Unable to Post in Other Forums? Information here!

Hey all,

We’ve received a number of contacts from players who are unable to post in forums outside of Bug Report or Technical Support. Below are some common causes for being unable to post topics.

  1. You do not yet meet the milestones in-game to gain discussion channel privileges. You must complete 10 tiers of the current BattlePass season to gain access to most discussion channels. To post in Competitive Discussion, you must be qualified to play the Competitive Play mode in-game by winning 50 quick play games.
  2. If you are on console, you must link your console account to your Battle.net email address. Once you have done this, log out of your forum account, then log back in.
  3. Parental controls can prevent you from posting in other forums. Check your parental controls settings. If you need to don’t have access to the parental controls email address and need to remove or update the email, contact support*.
  4. Accounts which have been suspended from the forums are unable to post. If you were previously able to post and your posting ability was removed, check your email for a message detailing the suspension duration and reason.
  5. Your forum login may have happened before your account was successfully linked. Try logging out of the forums from the top right, then log back in.

*Please be aware that support will not remove parental controls for users under 18. ID will be required to remove these controls.

Keep in mind that accounts which reached the play requirements or linked to your battle.net account may take up to 24 hours before they can post in other forums.