Potential Overwatch play game base i guess?

Im sorry to whoever reading this comment i just want to share suggestion on something that bothering lately about the game as special character skill, power, and their ulti. Its just my in opinion why some of the character have a litter bit in comman about their abilities like Sombra and Symmetra they both have teleporter skill, that should make something special but when two character have same skill making them less impact in the game or they two have a connection…? , for Torbjorn i think he should have more interesting set of skill and torbjorn ulti is lack of uniq same think happen to the Wrecking Ball and Doomfist should be something more powerful or evil i guess…? how about Reinhardt i think he should not be given more skill instead a buff or something that can work on with tank they we all wanted to see rather than be player that have to sacrifice every round to win a game… i have many question but Again im sorry to anyone that read this… this is just my opinion dont sue me for this dont mad at me Overwatch development team i just wanted see a really good potential game being back to life sorry…

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