Teammates who throw and feed

Dear Blizzard Entertainment,

I am writing to express my concern about the increasing prevalence of disruptive player behavior in Overwatch. This behavior includes players who:

  • Intentionally throw games: This can manifest in various ways, such as refusing to participate in objectives, feeding kills to the enemy team, or verbally harassing teammates before the game even begins.
  • Perform poorly with a lack of effort: This includes players who exhibit a clear disregard for objectives, team composition, or basic game strategy, hindering the overall team performance.
  • Behave as uncooperative teammates: This covers a spectrum of negative behaviors, like constant toxicity through voice chat or text messages, refusing to switch heroes to counter enemy picks, or not grouping up for crucial team fights.

These actions significantly diminish the enjoyment and overall quality of competitive Overwatch. Playing a team-based game hinges on having reliable teammates who contribute positively. The current situation creates frustration and discourages players from continuing to engage with the game.

My experience that pushed me to write this report involved a tank player exhibiting extremely negative behavior. Even before the match began, the tank player made a false accusation, stating, “‘You have 5 deaths and then I’m going afk.’” This not only creates a hostile environment but also demonstrates a clear lack of willingness to play as a team. When our Zen teammate attempted to defuse the situation with a joke, the tank followed through on their threat, going AFK and effectively preventing our team from having a fair chance at winning.

This incident exemplifies the detrimental behavior that plagues Overwatch. Players who make false accusations, threaten to afk, or give up before the game even starts ruin the experience for everyone else.

I urge Blizzard to take stronger measures to address this issue. This could include:

  • Improved reporting system: A system that allows for more specific reporting of these detrimental behaviors, along with a clear and transparent review process.
  • Harsher penalties: Implementing stricter punishments for those who consistently exhibit negative behaviors, including temporary or permanent account suspensions.
  • Incentivize positive behavior: Rewarding players who consistently demonstrate teamwork and sportsmanship.

I believe that addressing these issues will foster a more positive and competitive environment for all players who enjoy Overwatch.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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I have the game and it wont let me post in general discussion

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