Switch controls are horrible

Without buying extra controllers like the Pro Controller there are 3 types of control shemes you can use on the switch:

Since the console is a handheld this is the most important of all. Especially if you have a Switch lite. Unfourtunatly it also play worst in handheld. Doesn’t matter if I turn gyro on or off it just feels weird. I’m constantly fighting against the motion controls and have to reset it a lot.

Joycon grip:
Better than handheld but still not perfect. You have to at leased turn of one of the gyro axsis to make it comfortable to play.

detached Joy-cons: This is the one I’ve played the most with but also has it’s issues. Selecting the profile gives you a good sensitivity out of the box but the aim assist which is enabled by default makes it really hard aiming at anything. Worse: There seems to be a lot of input lag when using just the joycons to aim.

All of this makes a really uninjoyable experience and I wish they just copied it the way Nintendo did it with Splatoon.

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