Lost/Deleted Items/Characters? Reply from blizzard!

So as many of you know, you can suddenly and without any kind of warning lose either all your items, your characters, or random stuff.

I myself lost all of my equipped items and thus set me off on this adventure.

We can’t get a refund of the game because we’ve already played it. (Though I won’t be playing it for now.)

Here is the reply I finally got after a few back/forths with them.

Greeting Champion,
Thank you for contacting us, Game Master ***** at your service desu!
We’re sorry to hear about your situation, but unfortunately we do not have the ability to review character information of D2R nor can we provide restoration of character/items in D2R either.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused, and that you for playing our game, and if you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to let us know :slight_smile:
Best Regaurds,


Soooo… As you can all read. We are SoL.

What are your options?
Well I myself am waiting till ladder season 1 and hoping these issues are fixed by then. Cause it’s not fun to play something where hours and hours of work/progress can be wiped without warning and there is NO method of recovering said lost progress… Don’t like my games to hurt/punish/torment me this much.

Aside from waiting and hoping that they fix it… you can keep playing knowing that any moment you could lose everything… Yeah… that sounds fun; haha.

Please feel free to post and show your resentment and grief for everything that has been lost.


Assumed this already given their stance on non-recovery for most everything else…

So, really, not unexpected. But OK, confirmation found. Yay.

I still find it very funny.

With the growing number of occurrences such as this one, in the last couple of days I have chose to quit playing the game in hope that blizzard will fix this. I am sorry you lost your stuff man, and I find it baloney that blizzard can’t do anything about this. Lets hope there is a silver lining with all this.


Let me tell you a joke. When they add option in store “d2r character restoration - only 50$” you’ll be able to get help.
ok, now srsly, they never restored items/chars for free in history of blizzard and I think they never will.
Unless they sued by US government.

The least they could do is acknowledge they are trying to squash the bug. Never mind restoring missing characters, what do they think is the incentive in playing if users can lose there progress at any time?

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There are no second by second logs for D2, D2R or D3 so they don’t have restoration services of any sort for these games. No matter the reason.

As for losing your items there are a couple options to consider:

  • You hit W and swapped your weapons. You have two weapons tabs and if you hit W it switches to the other one which might have none if you are not familiar with it.
  • You died and had issues with getting the right body back.
  • The game just plain bugged and stuff vanished?

Read the death mechanics carefully

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Same experience.
I lost my character though.
I am going the forced credit card refund route with them now.
Australian refund laws are very strong.


I can’t even get a refund . too much time played. My time played just disappeared with my character. garbage company for real


i lost my level 81 offline babar cause that bug… i had good rune gear, i spent so much time. i am super upset . thats a scandal! and when i want to create a ticket they dont let me send the ticket smh, it just pops up not smart answers fo a resolution… let me send my ticket damnit, i dont lost my chara cause i did delete it, you blizzard have a bug and you wont let me send the ticket???


The ticket system goes to Customer Service folks who handle account access, Billing, tech issues.

Quality Assurance handles bug investigations and works with Devs on fixes. The only way to report a Bug is to use the forums here. Tickets are not for reporting Bugs. The CS folks can not restore items or characters for D2R (or D2 (2000) or D3). There are no logs or tools to do so.

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Dear all,

I just bought the games two days ago. Never played it before. I started a game the first day. the day after, as I wanted to continue, I could not find the characters I created as online. I started another after having read some reports about this “unfortunate” ocurrence. Today, it has also disappeared. Did Blizzard acknowledged that bug already? It makes the game completely unplayable and it surely seriously hurts my customer satisfaction.

You can refund. I have had friends who wanted to try d2 already do it.

Sad to lose friends to bugs that should never occur now. This was a cash grab, they are still using the same database as it was back in 2000. Which means all the same issues. You could say these features are all part of the original experience, but they are not a wanted experience.

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Just happened to me. I had 20 characters created in my account, until last night. Today they are all gone, along with all my itens.

I´m extremely frustrated since I’d invested so many hours leveling up my main character, which is now gone. By reading the others posts it seems I’ll not be given my character or itens back, plus I’m not elegible for a refund, since I’ve already played the game.

Wich is funny since my frustration with what happened is directly linked with the fact that I’ve lost so many hours invested in something that was taken from me without any warning. If I had only created a character and lost it by a bug without actually playing it, I wound’t care at all. It’s precisely the fact that I’ve invested hours and hours in that character and that Blizzard will not restore it that makes this situation extremely frustrating.

I really can’t understand how a refund can be refused in a situation like that.

(p.s. I know, my english is terrible. I’m sorry but it’s not my native language and I’m not going through a dictonary looking for my mistakes right now. I just would like to have my characters and itens back or, if that’s not possible, my money back)


It must be extremely frustrating attempting to reason with the illogical… You do a noble service lol. I am baffled by the incredible amount of people blatantly ignoring the launcher alert warning of authentication issues. It’s as if a childlike emotion overtakes them so completely it overrides all logic systems. Characters and items don’t just disappear, and never have, without ample warning. Issues with an authentication system do not equate to everything being wiped, yet here we are.

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Servers are down right now. They are aware and working on it. That particular issue started about 30 mins ago and results in ALL chars not displaying because you can’t connect to the servers properly.


Same here. I had one charater. This morning, my character has disappeared. I played with it yesterday, and this morning, it’s gone. There’s no character anymore in my account. I didn’t delete it. It’s just gone.
And when I try to create a new one, I got this. Error: “An error occurred while communicating with the servers. Check that you are connected to the internet and try again” I’m connected right now since I’m wirting this post! … so the server is down. Does that mean when it back online I will have my character ?

Just to make it clear, the laucher alert wasn’t showing up until a few minutes ago.

When I tried several times to log into my account and my characters weren’t there, there was no warning at all.

Unlike “genius” like you may think, sometimes there are perfect fine explanations for common people attitudes, other than ignorance.

It doesn’t take a genius to think rationally and logically. It takes common sense and a little less emotion. Maybe next time instead of assuming Blizzard is actively attempting to sabotage your life, you err on the side of caution and take a breather. In the end, it’s a game, with the way people have been acting, I now completely understand the toilet paper shortage now.

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I’m sorry but I cound’t find any statment in this topic that could remotely be understood as “Blizzard is actively attempting to sabotage someone’s life”.

Ironically, by making up such a fallacy you show that you are actually the one person here acting emotionally and making assumptions.

As I’ve already said to you, the warning you talked about wasn’t showing up until a few minutes ago, so it’s totally understandable that people wound have to come here to complain and understain what is going on. You know, this is a bug report forum and people here are reporting bugs while you are focused in just trying to look smart.