Characters all missing... again

Servers down again? Same time of day? 6th day in a row?

No blue post yesterday, today the loading screen says “we will be monitoring it”. Would love to hear what the monitoring of watching your servers crash has heeded.

My necro has been missing since 3 days after the game came back. Blizzard told me theres nothing they can do. This is a joke. Play for 3 days straight level him up to level 80 then had Mal, Ist and other runes on him with alot of other great items. Then woke up and the nerco is gone. Blizzard wont fix this and im sure it has happened to many others. This is crap response from blizzard.

Seeing the same issue for ~3 days in a row, during the morning hours in EST time.

I think what’s happening is they have a server admin that steps away from their desk to get coffee around the same time each day and they keep tripping over the network cable that connects to the database server, which gets yanked out of the server and therefore D2R is unable to access the database and display our characters. Then, later in the day, the cleaning crew sees the disconnected network cable and plugs it back into the database server and we can then see our characters again. The cleaning crew then reports their findings to the Blizzard CS Twitter team, which post respective updates.

Conclusion: Hire the cleaning crew to perform server and database maintenance.

Big problem here as well is we arent being told what is causing this issue. No communication whatsoever so everyone is now jumping to their own conclusions. The downside of not sharing the issue with the community. Transparency at blizzard is non-existent and its cultural, extends beyond their internal issues to their consumer base. Its toxic.

The cleaning crew plugged the cable back in. See if it’s working for you now.

With any luck you’ll get your chars back… though has been observed many many times that after these server downs come back… some chars don’t… maybe that’s the cost of keeping them up… the tears of it’s users.
I contacted blizz about restoring stuff they deleted or was deleted by their bugs… They basically just said nupe… here is what they told me.