Disappearing Stuff

Wow! I was going to report on items just disappearing but I see that folks have beat me to the punch. In my case, I will clear my stash to gather up stuff to sell in town and when I return, items are missing. sometimes 1 or 2 items, sometimes everything is gone! How about fixing a 20yr. old program or refund my money!

Not Thanking You Yet

Right now the game is so unstable you can just lose all or some of your items… or even your entire character.
It’s a crazy mess… I lost all of my stuff cause of some bug and thus I contacted blizzard about it.
They wouldn’t take any form of responsibility.

Right now you can play knowing you could lose some or all at any moment without warning.
Or you can not play… and wait for the issues to be fixed. That’s what I’m doing. Waiting till ladder S1… Hoping these issues are fixed.

It’s just a real cluster… They release a game that isn’t complete… even though it’s 20+ years old… No responsibility… quality control… support… backups… ect… The plan process for this game must have been something crazy to let so much get pushed out the door. Guess $$ is all they care about… Oh yeah… Don’t try for a refund. You put in any amount of time into the game; they won’t give you any refund… even if their bugs are keeping you from playing it!

Good luck out there traveler. Be safe.

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