Missing Items After RollBack

During the downtime today at around 15:00 UK time my friend was giving me items that I borrowed him. He gave Tal Rasha’s Necklace, Monarch with Spirit runeword, Harlequins Crest Shako, and Vipermagi’s armor.

He traded me the items before the downtime and after the rollback my friend does not have it in his account, and I no longer have it in mine. I am not sure what has happened but we really would like those back if possible please!

My character name is BittaBanter, #PureVehement2284
My friends character is Chaos, Cha0s#21431

Even if the items need to be returned to my friend that is fine, but I just don’t want to lose items that we spent so long working on! They don’t exist in either of our accounts.

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Sorry to hear that… I also lost many items and looked to blizzard for them to be restored… They told me nupe… Here is what they said.

Sorry again for you and ur friend. I’m waiting till ladder S1 in the hopes these issues are fixed.