Blizzard, where are my online characters?

I’m still seeing a blank character list, can u guy plz fix this problem for good? I didn’t pay 40$ for a constant game crash. This is REALLY annoying!!


Same. First time its happened to me. All my settings, cinematics are back to default. So bumping this too


Apparently this is common, apparently it usually fixes itself. That being said, I definitely feel like a nice little class action lawsuit against Blizzard would make them at least own up to the problems if they can’t ultimately fix this (and refuse refunds). Hopefully this all is moot in a few hours, as I really do enjoy the game when it actually works

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Yeah… I also paid for this game… Lost all of my stuff after a week of playing cause of a bug on their end… Asked for refund… nupe… asked for items… nupe… So… We are stuck with a game that can just lose all of our progress at any moment with no hope of recovery… That sounds fun… Not…
Here is what blizz told me