Items disappeared after I died. (loot recovery)

Hello there,

I was playing catacumbs and I died along the map. So i tried to recover by body equiping some items to reach my body. but unfortunatelly I died again, then I decided to save and quit to get the itens when I return to the game. The problem is that when I got returned there was just one body with the loot, normally it appears both bodies with my itens, misssing items are oculus, shako, spirit, chance guards, 2 rings and 1 MF ammy. i’d like to know how can I recover my items, I believe it’s a such bug, because I did it before and I recovered my itens just returning to the game.

this is not a bug, when u leave a game only 1 body is saved, if u had gear split between mulitple bodies, the game will decide to keep the body with the gear which has the highest gold value (that you would get if you send said gear to a merchant)
i have only encounted this once before when i used a strength but and was getting pked and NKed and i lost stuff form one of my jav zons… but overall it shouldnt happen… and not that strength bug is fixed you should always be able to pick up your body…

it could be a D2:R bug with the game somehow saving the wrong body. but idk and there is nothing blizzard can do to get your items back

if u leave the game with 2 bodes, both with items, then one of the bodies WILL be deleted forever along with any items it had

Multiple Corpses/Losing Items!"

Realm Characters : The corpse with the most gold value (in items) will be saved between games. So keep this in mind when putting on equipment to recover your corpse. Your original body with your equipment should save unless you manage to equip yourself with a greater value of equipment, die, then leave the game.

Thank you buddy [stylez] and [SwiftKitten], so I’ll start over again hahaha sad life.

Sorry to hear about that. This does sound like a sad scenario of the old game mechanics in play… However there are times where a bug will take your items or character… Just play with that in mind… and that blizzard won’t recover any lost items… even if it’s an issue one their end.
Sorry for your loss, but yeah… careful when recovering bodies and such.
This I do think they should change tbh.
Though don’t hope for any kind of item recovery… this is what they told me when my items were just gone…

This is bollocks!

The body which stayed had thundergods belt on and that’s it. The one that poofed Shako, Hoto, Zaka, chance guards plus amulets and rings. That’s way more value there.

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yep same thing JUST happened to me. lost a hoto, shako, hoz, bk ring and got a tgods for it. bullsh!t