Two Corpses -> Create New Game -> Get Only One Corpse Back


 I was doing a Nihlathak run and died due to the viper poison dmg bug(which is not the main topic of this bug report). My corpse was on the ground. After i resurrected, I wear my second set of equipment to retrieve my first corpse, and then i got killed again by vipers. I quit and started a new game, but i only got my first corpse back, so my second set of equipments are all gone.(ex: Eschuta's Temper, Arachnid Mesh, Skin of the Vipermagi, etc all rip) Could i get a support from the d2r team to recover my items back?


thats is normal
thats why you shouldnt equip items
or, when you do it, you need to get both corpses back, otherwise your thing happen ;o

Unfortunately, this behavior is not clearly explained anywhere.
The game only keeps the body with the most value in gold (as seen from the perspective of the in-game vendors) when you exit.
So, it’s very advisable that once you die, if you aren’t 100% sure to being able to get your body back being naked, just exit the game.

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Yeah… Sorry for your loss.

I would link you where it states that this is expected behavior… however can’t post links in postings… so lame.

Anyways on the characters page in “The Arreat Summit - Basics: Character Information” (google that for webpage)
It states
If your character has no corpse when he dies, one will be created, and your equipped items will remain on that corpse. If your character already has a corpse, another corpse (up to a maximum of 16) will be created and your most recently equipped items will remain with the new corpse.

Be careful about equipping valuable equipment when you already have a corpse out in the field, if you exit a realm game with more than one corpse on the ground, only the corpse having the most valuable equipment (gold equivalent value) will be saved.

Also, if you die and you already have 16 corpses, your items will fall to the ground, and anyone can take them. Unequipped items, however, will always remain in your inventory.

Wish they would give you your items back… I lost everything I had cause of some bug on their end. I chatted with them and they told me nupe… They won’t restore anything, even when they are the ones responsible for the deletion of said items.

Sorry for your loss… gotta be careful when getting your stuff back.