Lost over 10 chars!

WHAT THE HELL !!! I lost my entire rooster of chars !!! a sorc, fully geared, a pally, a necro, over 7 mule chars … !!! Tried all the fixes i could think of and nothing worked …
The game crashed and when i logged back in they were gone ! Blizz … wtf !

They’re not gone, for some reason the authentication servers are failing hard. Happened yesterday as well, was a couple/few hours before they managed to fix the issue.

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your characters are gone because you cant connect to online server. im having the same issue.

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Blizz needs to get their sht together if they want their stocks to ever go back

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Ouch! I hope that you get them back. Yeah… I hope that it’s just the authentication connection server issue. Lots of others have just lost their chars and never got them back… Here is what blizz told me.