Lost runes, lost progress

I lost my all saves from playing. Lost Jah rune and token. 09.10.2021 time 15:05
What can I do to restore all my game progress from yesterday?

Refund the game and go put some time into a playable game

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Yeah… They won’t refund unless you haven’t played… so if you’ve played to experience these issues… then no refund for you!! That’s what they told me… So I asked for all the stuff I lost cause of the bug in their game… They told me this.

Same thing happened to me last night. Horadric cube is missing, I cant do the quest again to get it back. Character got rolled back THREE TIMES yesterday as well. I lost some good items I found. Most of all, I lost my TIME invested into this PoS game that I can never get back. That is just time wasted out of my life. I dont think I will be purchasing anymore blizzard products again, no joking. This is horrible. People have had nothing but problems with this game since the day it came out.

This has been the policy for 20 years. Diablo 2 has never had a gameplay log like WoW. The server doesn’t keep track of any drops or game events. Your character is saved when you leave a game or log out. Other than your save file, Blizzard has no record of the activity on your character, therefore they have no way to verify and return lost items. Be happy they atleast removed the 90 day character deletion. Previously Characters not logged into for 90 days were permanently deleted.

My Diablo resurrected account keeps losing items from my inventory. I have re-aquired the hordratic cube 4 times as it keeps disappears along with several grand charms I farmed for weeks to get. The game is not fun when one cannot work on one’s build and so cannot kill diablo.