Character missing after exiting game

Lvl 21 Amazon gone, just played the char, quit logged out, came back 20-30 mins later to play again, can’t find the character! I had some unique items.

I play online, B-net.

Logged on today to see my offline barb was gone. They said they fixed it but obviously not.


No response from anyone from Blizzard. My friend just lost his geared mf sorc with even more in his stash. He is walking away from Blizzard for good after years of loyalty for most games, and I don’t feel like playing without him or have my character deleted just like his. Any acknowledgement of this issue or anything you are doing to fix may keep me playing, but with so many reports of this issue with so much wasted time between all users who have experienced this issue is not giving me any reason to continue or continue to play any Blizzard games for that matter moving forward, especially if my character / time can be deleted at any point due to a fault not of my own. Sorry for the rant, but I’m truly disappointed by the lack of support and care from a company that I have been a long time customer of.


Sorry to see that this amount of people are effected by such a horrid issue. I did get a response from blizzard and wanted to share. Still crazy to think they didn’t plan for something like this… No backups or anything… I would have had like 3x backups haha.

has anyone experinced it happening twice on their account? Do not really want to play before we know what is up and down…

Here is the official answer to all suffering:

Really really hoping ill get my sorc back from roughly a week ago… please work on this how can you just vanish peoples character and not have a resolution for an entire week… GET TO WORK COMON

i just lost my level 81 offline babar… for no reason. i am upset. also since my babar is gone, i cant play on my other offline charas, it always kicks me out…

Bug still going on! All my chars vanished!

Confirming another case. Lost a good 15h of progress. This is insane.

You end up getting it back?? mine just did same thing

Same, everything gone. Happened just now on EU Servers

@CurtisQ did your char came back?

Same behavior for me :frowning: everything away

All characters gone, lost a86 sorc, 86 assa, lots of good gear… hope this can be restored.

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I also just lost all online characters, completely empty… had about 12 characters there, 5 of which had a lot of time played in them.

same here, Sorc 85 has gone.

Mine has happened twice, the first time was when they rolled the new patch a couple of weekends ago.

Same all char gone and cannot create new char

Lost all my stuff too. Don’t know what I expected from blizzard nowadays. They don’t even have anything to say about it.

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