Lost item from multiple deaths

I died in game, then went and picked up my corpse dropped my Spirit sword in a panic by mistake then died again, went and grabbed the sword saw it was equipped and as i go to teleport home i died yet again so then i go back dont see any items on the ground just multiple corpses so i leave the game and just pick up my corpse at spawn but my weapon is not with all my other gear now? i just dont have my sword. :C

Yeah it’s a mess. This is another reason why people play hardcore. No body to fetch and no items to worry about.

Honestly yeah, I may as well play HC It’s not like ladder is coming out anytime soon with how many issues there are atm, I’m also happy this happened early on with only a spirit and nothing more

What do you mean exactly?

You dropped the sword on the ground? If that’s what happened then of course it would not be on your corpse in a new game.

At least a spirit sword is no major loss, if it wasn’t perfect fcr rolled anyway.

Yeah. This has happened to many of us in one way or another. Here is what blizzard told me about it.

No if you read it it says i picked up the sword and even saw it equiped then died again. so now i have multiple bodies on the ground with items on them and when i reset the game i only got 1 corpse the other corpse with my wep was gone

Oh yeah, you only keep the corpse with the highest gold value. Rip the spirit sword.