All my characters are gone

I log in and everything is gone. Crossing my figures this one is temporary too. Though unlike previous times, it didn’t take forever get to the character select screen…


Yeah this looks like the repeat of the last few days. Will probably start working OK in a few hours.

At this point I’m just reporting for the sake of having it on record. Honestly, I’ve accepted that Blizzard is doing a terrible job with D2R, stressing out over it won’t do me any good. Either my characters come back, yay, or they don’t, boo. There is literally nothing I can do about it considering Blizzard’s apparent inability/refusal to recover lost characters.

Yikes… Yeah… I hope you get your chars back… but the fast loading screen is a red flag for me too.
Should they not come back… well they are then just gone gone… Blizzard won’t restore any characters/items even if they are deleted because of an issue on their end.
Here is what thye told me.