Character Disappeared

Same issue. Played for couple of hours on sorc then “lost connection” only to find my character missing and can’t create new characters due to not connecting to a game. What a disaster release.

UPDATE: she came back but can’t get into game due to “check internet connection” lol

As DrAchour said before:

  1. Click on Create New Character
  2. Back

They should be back.
Still can’t create game, but at least it’s something…

Same…all of my characters are missing after playing with both of them yesterday 09/23/21.

Sorc lvl 13 disappeared. If it doesn’t come back, I’ll request a refund.

Good moring,

The same issue on my side. A fresh Barbarian Online character 18 lvl just gone.

Moreover, I cannot create a new character Online because of the issue with connection.

Love it when you spend hours and finally hit level 30. Then your game crashes and you log back in to a level 20 character and your loot gone… peachy

My character is back.

Same problem for me. Leveled up an assassin online to level 40 yesterday and today my assassin is gone.
I have tried to click create new and go back, have logged in and out of, reinstalled the client but still can’t see my character.

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SAME!, level 31 pally is gone, last night he was working fine.

Ive also tried all the troubleshooting and no luck… it even lets me create a new char but i dont want to lose my pally.

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I lost all my online characters as well.

Blizzard why are we losing our characters? When do we expect a fix. If I make a new character, are we going to lose that when you implement a fix?

How something like this get past production phase?

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Hola, estaba jugando single player y perdi mi personaie lvl 15 nigromante

If you have online character names which are the same as your offline character names.
So far Blizzard identified the issue for the other way around but it might go both ways.
Just an idea / possibility.

Same here, but i lost my level 53 paladin HardCore character.

I’m guessing around 14 hours in, tried all the small fixes but nothing works.
Just poff, gone over night.

I really CBA level one again if they just gona disappear…

Yo, Blizz.

My characters are gone again. Thought you fixed this.


yeah, seems like the problems are back. All my chars are gone as well

Please fix

Gone… All gone… :frowning:

Please fix…

88 hammerdin, just got hoto, hoz…grinded for past 2 weeks and lost everything because of what? some bug?..Please fix this. Don’t let all time invested be for nothing.

ive lost all ma characters too i even verified that the files are still their and they are i just cant view them tried to repair install but it didnt fix it

After being gone and characters having different names. I still lost them.

Welcome to 2021… Where devs/companies test their games using players and not testers…

We are stuck in this. And going forward it’ll most likely always be this since they are never made accountable for their actions.

They don’t care if hundreds to thousands of hours of gameplay are lost due to their own issues in the program.

We the player base are left with very few choices… It hurts… even when it’s the truth.

I NEVER would have bought this game if I had thought for a moment this was the state it was in. I honestly thought a 20 year old game would have been in better condition… yet it’s in worse that the previous generation… Like a foretelling of just how bad things are going to be in the game industry for the future.

There was a point where one of the worst bugs a game could have was unintentional loss of player data or game crashes/hardlocks/softlocks…

Now… It’s just a meh… They don’t seem to care… Like the life of the industry has been replaced with corporate greed. Too many of us just don’t care about quality… so why should they?

Play… but know you can lose it all. Know that every minute is wasted cause they won’t save it.

Know that you are nothing to them. They don’t care… They don’t respect… They just want the $$… and that’s the wrong way to make something people should enjoy.

However I’m just a single voice in this sea of madness. No one listens… and no one cares… as long as 80% are ok… then 100% is ok. We are… living in a box… that is made for testing…

Will we ever be free? Maybe…

This is what they told me when I asked for stuff back after THEY destroyed it.

I’ve lost faith in the video game industry when a top player just cares this little about it’s product… Might as well never try at creating if all you can produce is this… Something that deletes player data without any method of recovery or mitigation.

Stay warm out there travelers.