Corpse Wont Load

Died, left and reentered. My corpse had no gear. Went back to where I had died, and my gold pile was there, but no corpse.

Please Help.

Pretty sure if there was nothing on it your body had no need to spawn

All of my items were on the body. I lost all my gear.

lol welcome to d2 you must be new here, have fun rerolling :slight_smile:

Haven’t heard of something like that happening. Well that is both odd and heartbreaking. I lost all my items and this is what blizzard told me.

Just as a future heads up, the way corpses work is thus: If you leave and exit game, ONLY the corpse with the most value will be saved. So if you had 2 corpses 1 with your gear and 1 with yoru sword, the sword corpse (unless it valued more then the gear) would be gone.
This is not a bug.