Lost all my gear

I died doing Nihlatak, and when decided to recover my body I put some gear on so I didnt die again. I was killed anyway, so i rejoined the game, and when i entered and pick up the body, the items on it were just the ones that i equipped for recovering the body of the first death.
Does that mean i just lost all the items i had on the character previously?
I lost several expensive gear, so if there’s a solution i would appreciate it.

Sorry for the english, it isn’t my first language.

Hi there,

Sorry to tell you, but it sounds like by design for what happened to you.

Here is was “The Arreat Summit” states about what happened to you.
Be careful about equipping valuable equipment when you already have a corpse out in the field, if you exit a realm game with more than one corpse on the ground, only the corpse having the most valuable equipment (gold equivalent value) will be saved.

I myself have lost all of my stuff due to bugs in the game and so has many many other players. Some because of this intended design, but far more because of bugs/issues on blizzards side.
Here is what they told me when a bug wipe all my stuff out.

Sorry to hear you lost your stuff… never equip to get a body… and these days play at your own risk… cause at any moment you can lose items or characters… for no good reason and blizzard won’t do anything to help.

Stay warm traveler.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply!
I figured there was nothing to be done, but had to try anyway.
I didn’t know that it worked that way, so i guess I lerant it the hard way.

Thanks again and gl!

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This exact same thing has happened to me today at level 86 i have lost all of my best gear that i spent huge hours playing for and now i have nothing left .
very dissapointing,

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