Lost all gold and equipped items after disconnect from game

I’m only in early game Act I so it could’ve been much worse. I was just running around with my lvl 9 Druid and I got disconnected suddenly. After reconnecting I noticed I had no weapons or anything equipped and all my gold was missing ( I only had about 8-9k at the time, but still).

I’m hoping this isn’t common and this won’t happen again. I feel bad for those with precious items equipped having it zapped away like that.

UPDATE: After closing the game completely and reloading my character my equipment and gold was still missing. I toggled my inventory a couple times hoping and then I checked my personal stash at Rogue Encampment and I saw all my equipped gear was back, but my gold was still missing.

Had a similar issue but without a disconnect.
I simply logged out alive and in town with all my items/gold as normal.
Upon login tonight I see that I am dead in town with 0 gold. My corpse is next to me but the gold is gone :frowning:

Same here . I was killed in game and no gold on my corpse…Please fix this bug

Same here. Just got started in act 2, Logged off. Logged back in personal stash, gold, equipment, all deleted with body of character and minion on the load in. Hoping this is a bug and not a hack.


Same here
log off–money gone

Same here as well… got log out and lost all my gear like if i died… please fix this BUG ASAP!!

BUG is still there… 1.02 didn’t fix it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hello guys, i had a disconnect in the game with no reason, iwas fighting and then boom gone. i opened a new game, my torso lays in front of me and all my private tresure gold is now gone! cmon thats not nice at all, BUG Still there!!

Sorry to hear about your losses.

Due to bugs/issues with the game I lost all of my stuff. I decided to contact blizzard in the hopes of them taking some responsibility.

They won’t.

Right now you can lose some or all of you stuff. Play with that in mind cause they won’t restore anything… even if they are the ones who caused the bug/issue.

I myself am not playing until issues like this have a better resolution than just it’s gone gone.

Save travels.