Characters vanished? Refund pls

Hey, so my characters vanished in thin air. Nice bug blizzard… i dont think i want to be on this train anymore. Refund me please!

Server are down… calm down.

Wouldnt it be nice if they could have a notification in game of some kind if that was the case? It looks as if you get logged in, and your characters are gone.
I believe it when i see it…

Yup i agree it would be fun to have notification when the game is down, but as you can tell with the others 500 posts about it … the server are down for real.

Yeah… Lots of people have lost their characters and progress and items.
I am one of those people.
Sorry to tell you, but they won’t restore any data… nore will they refund us.
Here is what they told me.

Sorry for your loss.