Lost Character Progress!

Hey Blizzard, Refund now.

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Server game crashed (everyone in it got disconnected at same time) and when I came back in my character was rolled back to some random snapshot. However only the loot from the character I was on was rolled back, and the loot I had transferred from my mule characters earlier onto that character had disappeared into the void. I lost a 40MF Gheeds, Eth CoT, well-rolled Insight, among many other valuables due to this. I am absolutely deflated.

I lost my lvl 38 Trapsassin. I was playing from the first day launch and i was already doing Nightmare level. I want a refound, this is ridiculous.

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Yesterday I lost my lvl 23 necromancer (offline). The save files are there, but the character does not show in the offline tab. Hundreds posts about it. No feedback from Blizzard until now.

Hi there… just played today for around 4h, then I SAVED the game and exit. After 1h when I tried to login I got error that I cannot connect to server. After reading some other posts i restarted my routed and the game was working again…however I lost all the progress from before ALTHO i saved it!

My Online Level 84 Patriarch Necro with Progress since Day 1 is now suddenly Level 30, has not finished even Normal. All Items since Level 30 are gone. My other, much lower Chars have all their items and progress.

Please fix my weeks of progress.

just got reset to act 2 duriel quest don’t even know the items ive lost

Lost all my progress in act 2. I can understand problems on release, but why is it still happining after two weeks? When can I start playing the game with out chance lose all my progress?

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My character Valuna also was rolled back to about 10 days ago. Went from level 85 to 31. I’d kinda get losing a few hours with the server issues, but no idea why I lost this much (no exploits or similar, just been playing solo online for the most part).

This really getting on my nerf’s now… first the servers are trash.
And now today when the servers failed again, my characer is just gone…

Took me weeks to farm gear and so on…

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I hadn’t even played for the past week and my 64 Pally rolled back to 30 :frowning:

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After todays server issued i had a lvl 82 character rollback to lvl 30. I’m very disappointed.

Wow for the second day running I’ve lost items and my character has rolled back to a previous level. Just about done with this game and Blizzard tbh.

yesterday, I login my accout and find process rollback from ACT IV to ACT III, sigh.

Yeah. Lots of rollbacks and lots of items and characters are both losing progress and some just getting deleted all together.
I reached out to blizzard in the hopes of getting items or characters restored due to their mistakes… but they refused to take any responsibility saying they won’t restore anything… even when they are the ones who deleted that content.
I made a post saying what they told me.

Sorry for all your losses… in items, progress, and characters.
See you out there traveler.

My Paladin just got rolled back to weeks ago and i haven’t even been playing on that character recently so i just dunno how that happened.
Feels like you can’t play the game at the risk of a completely random roll back without warning.

My Barb where rolled back from level 84 to 63. Lost all my gear which included some best in slot items… All other charakters weren´t touched, i don´t understand how this can happen.
Thanks Blizzard for wasting the time of your playerbase and make this game unplayable…

I can’t see my sorceress, and I can’t create a new online game. I expect refunds!

Hi, i have the same problem! I can´t see my charakter on xbox or on my connected pc account. i sit here for 60min in a empty online D2R screen and nothing happens.

Are my Charakter lost?

Lost 2 days of gameplay progress because this new update.
I play offline and reached Act 5 Nightmare.
Today I log in, update auto-downloading and when i run the game, my Assassin saved game is not at character screen. Luckily I had a previous saved files backup and I could load the character but on Act 3 Nightmare… lost my items and all my progress from 2 days ago. This sucks!