Character Died and Lost All Gear

I died in the Palace in Act 2 of Hell, went to get my body, died again. I wasn’t too far from town so I decided to leave the game and give it another try. When I exited and created a new game, I loot my body in town and I have no gear. The only piece of gear my guy has is a random staff. I have lost all my gear and I can’t figure out any way to retrieve my items. Please help!

It’s likely that you have picked up that random staff somewhere in the way to the body before diyng again and it automatically got equipped. That’s what happened.
When you die for a 2nd time and you had some items equipped, then if you exit the game you lose your first body, hence you only found that random staff when creating a new game.
In vanilla D2 it also worked that way.


Me too. Hopefully this bug will be fixed as soon as possible. It is so annoying!

I also have this problem :frowning:

Same here i farmed since launch to get those Stormlash was so hard to get -_-

As said above, it’s not a bug, that’s how D2 works, if you leave two bodies and relog then the first one will be gone and only the newer second one will be there. It’s not a bug

I was searching online and came across this on Arreat Summit. Looks like I’m SOL. I never remember having this issues back in my D2 days in the early 2000s.

“Be careful about equipping valuable equipment when you already have a corpse out in the field, if you exit a realm game with more than one corpse on the ground, only the corpse having the most valuable equipment (gold equivalent value) will be saved.”

I have the same issue…

If you pick up a new item and you die again, all your items should go to your inventary.
And if you don’t have space to pick up ALL your items, the body should remain in the ground until you free space and pick it up again.

How is possible that you lost your items just to pick up a random item from the ground?
This have to be considered a bug, if not it’s a bad decision from the developers.

I really do not think this is correct.

As others have stated in this thread, the game should spawn the corpse with the highest value of gold in town in your next game. Accidentally picking up a staff is almost certainly not greater in value than his gear and therefore a bug. This needs to be addressed by devs because many other sources state the corpse with the highest value should remain

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play hardcore so the issue solves itself. if you die, you need to start again from scratch.


I had no gear equipped started a new game got my body in town and my gear was all lost a 77 Amazon with all the best gear. It only gave me my chest piece and then deleted the body.

Please help get this gear back Blizzard.

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i have the same Problem.

I died relogged and everything was gone exept for my body armor.

Same proble here. I died and when I tried to recover my gear, using a few items that i had in my stash, I died again. Then I saved and exit. In the new game there was only the last corpse with the last gear I used, and the gear if the first corpse, with my Zakarum and Guillaume, were lost :frowning:

Are you guys playing online or offline? I read that if you are playing online it will give you the corpse with the highest gold value of items. However, if you are playing offline it just gives you the latest corpse. Hope this helps!

I’m not totally sure this is true though… I just read it somewhere. Thanks!

lots of uniques actually have quite poor gold value when sold to vendors. its actually very easy to pickup a few whites greys and blues that all sell for 35000 to the vendor and have it be worth more than all your uniques.

Some of the posting here are due to the design of the game.

Some others it sounds like their stuff just vanished.

I myself was a victim of items just vanishing… caused by some bug/issue on their end. I reached out to Blizzard and asked for some help.

They didn’t help me. Here is a link to what they did say and has many many other deleted data cases linked to it.

Sorry for your losses. Until they implement a better system… you play at your own risk.

Stay warm out there travelers.

hey mate, thank you for the helpful post… im sad to say they haven’t fixed it, since it just happend to me today. i was just playing with my lvl 43 sorc, and i die once, then respawn, and then all my equipped items were gone :frowning:

Sorry to hear about that.

Yeah. I’ve been checking the forums here/there to see if the issue(s) regarding loss of player data have been resolved or mitigated in any way.

Thus far just more and more players are reporting the same thing(s).

Be careful out there, these soul crushing bugs will most likely never be fixed. Been happening since launch and no indication that it’s even a concern since their Legal documents state that this is not a concern.

I miss the day’s when players were the top priority and games were treated with more respect than just cash cows.

Safe travels and best of luck!