Item disappeared.. please help me

No die… Just restart game…
what’s wrong with me?

Whenever I do restart game, My item is disappeared…
I have video also… plz contact me.

Also where is KANE in ACT1?
I can not see him anymore.

My lost item memo

10/23일 오후 4시 8분
토파작되어있는 안다 뚜껑 disappeared
상철의 베일 스파이어드 헬름 뚜껑 disappeared
상점뚜껑 disappeared

오후4시 힘소켓단 뚜껑 disappeared
안다뚜껑 disappeared
10/24 오후 4시 11분 뚜껑또 disappeared
10/24 오후 4시 18분 화염저항으뜸저항참 사라짐 마을귀환 감별 책 disappeared

Reinstall Diablo2

10/25 오후3시34분 그림헬름(나탈랴의토템) disappeared
10/25 오후4시15분 그림헬름(나탈랴의토템) 또 disappeared
10/25 오후4시24분 감별의책/귀환책 disappeared
10/25 오후 6시10분 주얼 4개 및 반지4개 disappeared(개인창고에있었음)

Hi there,

I also lost lots of items. Caused by the issues/bugs on their end.

Asked them for help. None.
They won’t help. They won’t take responsibility.

They told me this.

Sorry for your loss.

You can.

  1. Keep playing, but understand you can lose SOME or EVERYTHING at any moment.
  2. Wait for them to fix the issues.