With the addition of the new warlock customization system, I’ll be creating a new part of this post above the old, to keep for posterity.
So we got a customization system on the barbershop!
Reiterating the short and sweet asks:
- Please give warlocks the ability to speak Demonic once more. This was removed when Demon Hunters were added, and it doesn’t make sense given presumably demon summoning rituals are in demonic.
- Similarly, given we summon the Voidwalker/Voidlord, I would argue we should be able to speak Shath’yar given Void summoning rituals are in Shath’yar presumably.
- Please fix the Wrathguard dual wield. Give the Shivarra her other weapons back, also consider also letting her wield stuff from our backpack as well (eg each hand picks a random weapon from our bag; if there’s only one 2-hander it’s four of the same weapon, etc)
Similar to how the Infernal was made customizable, please let Demonology’s Demonic Tyrant CD and Affliction’s Darkglare CD be customizable. Let this be how we get the Observer “back” for at least Affliction.This has been confirmed for 10.2.5!!!- Ideally even, let Soulcage, Summon Vilefiend, and Grimoire: Felguard be customizable separately
- More models, ideally using some boss models for options
- last but not least, adding more baseline “demonic” customization for each race; with Manaari skin tones coming for Base Draenei, I think it would be nice to get demonic options for all the races where available. The new Zandalari warlock NPCs have long nails for example, or loosen the Demon Hunter options, etc.
But first, during the 10.1.5 PTR, the devs said this:
And during the Community Council Interview from July 14 said
That is to say, ALL warlock pets must fit within a “silhouette”.
As I said on PTR, this is extremely limiting for warlock fantasy and pet options. We have only a few dozen demon/aberration models within the game which caps to a few hundred with each recolor counted separate.
Moreover, it’s simply not particularly sound to remove the 11 year old Observer vs the 7 year old Darkglare. In fact, given the Darkglare is used for one of Affliction’s PVP Talents, the argument makes even less sense imo. The Darkglare should’ve been the one to be changed, for example for the long-asked Inquisitor demon instead.
I really urge Blizzard to reconsider this; losing our Observer really sucked for a lot of us who were attached to them and what they represented in the lore and memories of gameplay with them (eg their importance in the eternally celebrated Green Fire questline). The silhouette argument does not reasonable hold for the Succubus, “half naked overly sexual humanoids” cannot be held as a fundamental design principle for the pet options of the Succubus slot lmao
But sure, even if we go with that, we thus have the following arrangement:
- Imp = Ranged DPS Slot with Dispel = small caster silhouette, eg Ganarg, Wyrmtongue
- Felhunter = Melee DPS Slot with Silence = animalistic quadruped, eg Felbat, Urzul
- Succubus = Melee DPS Slot with Channeled CC = overly sexualized humanoid, eg Satyr, Imp Mother (yeah you read right, she thicc, lets not hold demon women to unreasonable body standards)
- Voidwalker = Melee AOE Slot with Tank capacities = Large, “elemental” type body Aberrations or Void themed, eg Sha, N’raqi
- Felguard = Melee Cleave DPS with Tank capacities and Stun/Silence CC = humanoid “warrior” type, eg Aranasi, Wickermen
and the Cooldown Pets:
- Infernal = larger models ideally already burning or radiating energy
- Demonic Tyrant = Caster humanoid
- Darkglare = Floating caster, monster but could be humanoid imo
- Vilefiend = same as Felhunter, animalistic quadruped
- Grimoire Felguard = same as Felguard, humanoid warrior type
- Summon Jailer = floating humanoid ideally with implied AOE theme
So reconfiguring my table below of pet options we DON’T have but COULD have, bolded the ones I really want personally as options (note: once again this list is done via my personal opinion and discretion! if you disagree with an allocation feel free to comment to add it):
Demon or Aberration | Common or Unnamed Elite | Named Elite or Unique Rare or Boss Model | Possible Slots |
Annihilan aka Pitlords | No | Yes | Infernal |
Antaen | No | Yes | Infernal |
Bilescourge | Yes | Yes | Felhunter or Imp |
Aranasi | Yes | Yes | Succubus or Felguard |
Demon Spiders | Yes | No | Felhunter |
Darkhound | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Doomguard | Yes | Yes | Demonic Tyrant |
Doomlord | Yes | Yes | Demonic Tyrant |
Felbat | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Felbeast, Felstalker | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Fiends (Terrorguard, Terrorfiend, Fearfiend) | Yes | Yes | Demonic Tyrant |
Imp Mother | No | Yes | Succubus |
Inquisitor | Yes | Yes | Darkglare, Demonic Tyrant |
Jailer | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker, Succubus |
Manaari Eredar | Yes | Yes | Demonic Tyrant (he’s already one, just more options) |
Gan’arg | Yes | Yes | Imp |
Mo’arg Brute | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker, Felguard |
Fel Lord | Yes | Yes | Felguard |
Overfiend | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Observer ![]() |
Yes | Yes | Darkglare |
Satyr | Yes | Yes | Succubus |
Ur’zul | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Void Terror | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Wyrmtongue | Yes | Yes | Imp |
Void God | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
N’raqi standard | Yes | Yes | Felguard |
N’raqi C’thraxxi | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
N’raqi K’thir | Yes | Yes | Darkglare, Demonic Tyrant |
Merciless One | Yes | Yes | Darkglare |
Sha - shaling | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Sha - larger | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Sha - boss models | No | Yes | Voidwalker |
Void Revenant | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker, Darkglare |
Void Caller | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker, Darkglare |
Voidwraith | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker, Darkglare |
Wickerdogs | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Wickermen | Yes | Yes | Succubus |
Wicker Behemoths | Yes | Yes | Felguard |
Wicker Brutes | Yes | Yes | Infernal |
Beastmen | Yes | Yes | Felguard, Succubus |
Beholder | Yes | Yes | Darkglare |
Fleshbeasts | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Haunt / Psyfiend | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Devourer Mites | Yes | Yes | Felhunter (nonflying) |
Devourer Brutes | Yes | Yes | Infernal |
Devourer Riftkeepers | Yes | Yes | Darkglare, Demonic Tyrant |
Slimes | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker, Felhunter |
House of Plagues Brutes | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
House of Plagues Queen | Yes | Yes | Succubus, Darkglare |
Revendrent Sin Manifestations | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Ardenweald Boggarts | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Fungal Constructs (Nazmir, House of Plagues) | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Blood Elemental (Nazmir, Revendreth) | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Excluded from this list are the wide variety of Boss-Only models of pets we already have, such as, using two quick examples:
- Imonar, who is a Fel Lord (Mo’arg) Demon, thus perfect for the Felguard
- The Coven of Shivarra models, who are all Shivarra as we have
WoWhead guide for the pet grimoires
Old Post below, click the arrow to read
Copy pasting from my Shadowlands Compilation thread in the warlock forums lol
Short and sweet asks:
- Please give warlocks the ability to speak Demonic once more. This was removed when Demon Hunters were added, and it doesn’t make sense given presumably demon summoning rituals are in demonic.
- Similarly, given we summon the Voidwalker/Voidlord, I would argue we should be able to speak Shath’yar given Void summoning rituals are in Shath’yar presumably.
- Please fix the Wrathguard dual wield. Give the Shivarra her other weapons back, also consider also letting her wield stuff from our backpack.
Also back in Cataclysm, we were told an Incubus glyph is coming for Succubus. Surely a blood elf male model can be demon-ified for this end?WE’RE GETTING AN INCUBUS Y’ALL
A copy of the Hunter Tame/Stable system, where either within the Dreadscar Rift (Class Order Hall, would breathe life into past content) and/or next to the Warlock Trainer in every major city, there would be a “Grimoire” that functions like the Warlock stables.
Enslave Subjugate Demon becomes like Tame Beast. Enslave Subjugate Demon simply is never used. Literally never used. Only time it has been used in recent memory was as a gimmick within the Class Order Hall (where we didn’t actually Enslave Subjugate the mob, we just cast the ability and was auto-controlled into releasing us) and the Warlock Green Fire Questline (the Pitlord, which nowadays is irrelevant given gear level and the “of the Black Harvest” title no longer exists) and one of the adds in the Arcway dungeon during Legion. One of the times it was useful was to banish one of the mini-bosses in Hellfire Citadel, but then that was nerfed.
Each current demon becomes a “slot”:
- the Ranged DPS with Self-Dispell slot (Imp)
- Tank and AOE slot (Voidwalker)
- Melee DPS with CC slot (Succubus)
- Melee DPS with Interrupt and Dispell (Felhunter)
- Demonology Melee Cleave and AOE DPS with Tank and CC functions (Felguard)
Every time you Enslave Subjugate a demon it gets assigned a name you cannot change without dismissing that demon or Enslaving Subjugating the same mob again, following the same way all our default demons have assigned names and we have to pay to replace them. The only demons we could not “release” would be our default demons, maybe, I don’t know.
This would follow the logic that all demons are actually pre-existing beings. Our Wrathguard is an Eredar; he lived on Argus and had a family. They each have a “True Name”.
And canonically, knowing a demon’s true name gives you power over that demon:
- https://wow.gamepedia.com/Illidan's_Pupil
- https://wow.gamepedia.com/Not_Just_Any_Body
- https://wow.gamepedia.com/The_Name_of_the_Beast
Within the game there are already “families” of demons, and given the Voidwalker is a Void being ie aberrations families too. In fact, in the new Leveling Experience, we gain the ability to summon a Voidwalker by “completing” a ritual via a grimoire to summon a Voidwalker from the Void while a Void portal hurts us.
In fact, within the lore and earlier versions of WoW, grimoires were within the Warlock fantasy, whether was quest items where we enslave demons to learn them, or to empower some talents/spells:
Within the narrative, the only thing that prevents a warlock from Enslaving Subjugating a demon is our power. In Legion, we Enslaved Subjugated the Eredar Twins via a Bloodstone (which canonically is a fragment of Old God power), in the Legacy of the Masters questline (Green Fire quest), we Enslaved Subjugated a Pit Lord when fighting Kanrethad at the end scenario, and to begin with as it stands we already Enslaved Subjugated an imp, a succubus, a mo’arg (Felguard), eredar (Prince Malchezaar, Demonic Tyrant, Wrathguard), a darkglare, an observer, a shivarra, a fel imp, a voidwalker, a voidlord (separate from the Void Lords that in canon cannot manifest in reality), a felhunter, an infernal, and an abyssal, and a variety of other demons through the Demonology Talent Demonic Portal (including Ur’zuls, and Felbats, and more).
Furthermore we are now the Netherlord of Dreadscar Rift, First of the Black Harvest, with a small demonic army at our disposal.
Arguably, the only demons/aberrations we should be unable to tame at this point after defeating the whole Burning Legion, N’zoth and all the other Old Gods, and various beings otherwise, are the ones that even the Burning Legion wouldn’t summon and Sargeras wouldn’t enslave.
In the case of Demonology, the way the spec could be “unique” with regards to this hypothetical system is while Affliction and Destruction can Enslave Subjugate Common demons and aberrations, Demonology as a spec can Enslave Subjugate Elite/Named Elite demons and aberrations.
Perhaps with a singular Destruction exception of their being able to Enslave Subjugate Elite Demons for the Infernal CD, and Affliction being able to Enslave Subjugate Elite Demons (or Aberrations?) for their Darkglare CD. But Demonology could Enslave Subjugate Elites for whatever demon slot.
Note, this is my (OP’s) allocation of slots and isn’t a consensus by any means. Sources are Wowpedia’s Demon page and Aberration page.
Demons | Sex or Non-Humanoid (VA) | Common or Unnamed Elite | Named Elite | Proposed Slot |
Annihilan (or pit lords) | Male | No | Yes | Infernal |
Antaen | Male | No | Yes | Infernal |
Bilescourge | Beast | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Aranasi | Female | Yes | Yes | Succubus |
Demon Spiders | Beast | Yes | No | Felhunter |
Darkhound | Beast | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Doomguard | Male | Yes | Yes | Darkglare, Tyrant |
Doomlord | Male | No | Yes | Infernal |
Felbat | Beast | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Fel beast | Beast | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Felhound | Beast | Yes | No | Felhunter |
Felstalker | Beast | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Fiend (Terrorguard, Fear Fiend, Terrorfiend) | Male | Yes | Yes | Darkglare, Tyrant, Infernal |
Imp and Fel Imp | Male | Yes | Yes | Imp |
Imp mother | Female | No | Yes | Imp, Succubus |
Infernal | Construct | No | Yes | Infernal |
Abyssal | Construct | Yes | Yes | Infernal |
Inquisitor | Male | Yes | Yes | Darkglare, Imp |
Jailer | Male | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker, Succubus |
Man’ari eredar | Male, Female | Yes | Yes | Darkglare, Tyrant |
Wrathguard | Male | Yes | Yes | Felguard |
Gan’arg | Male | Yes | Yes | Imp, Felhunter |
Mo’arg brute | Male | Yes | Yes | Infernal |
Felguard | Male | Yes | Yes | Felguard |
Fel lord | Male | Yes | Yes | Felguard |
Nathrezim | Male, Female | Yes | Yes | Darkglare, Tyrant |
Felsteed | Beast | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Dreadsteed | Beast | No | No | N/A |
Observer | Male | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Darkglare | Male | Yes | Yes | Darkglare |
Overfiend | Male | Yes | Yes | Darkglare, Tyrant, infernal |
Satyr | Male | Yes | Yes | Succubus |
Succubus Sayaad | Female | Yes | Yes | Succubus |
NEW Incubus Sayaad | Male | ? | ? | Succubus |
Shivarra | Female | Yes | Yes | Succubus |
Ur’zul | Construct Beast? | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Vilefiend | Beast | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Void terror | Beast | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Wyrmtongue | Male | Yes | Yes | Imp |
Aberrations | Sex or Non-Humanoid (VA) | Common or Unnamed Elite | Named Elite | Proposed Slot |
Void God | Male | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Voidlord | Male | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
N’raqi (standard, C’thaxxi, K’thir) | Male | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Merciless One (Standard, Nazjatari) | Beast | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Sha (Shaling, larger shaw, Prime Sha) | Male | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Void Revenant | Male | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Voidcaller | Male | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Voidwalker | Male | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Voidwraith | Male | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Wicker Constructs (Wickermen, Wicker Behemoths, Wicker Brutes) | Constructs or Male | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker, Succubus, Felguard |
Wicker Beasts | Beasts | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Beastman | Male | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker, Felhunter, Succubus |
Beholder | Male? | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Fleshbeasts | Beast | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Haunt | Beast | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
Psyfiend | Beast | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Devourers (Mites, Brutes, Riftkeepers) | Beast? Male? | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker, Felhunter, Felguard |
Slimes (many e.g. Maldraxxus, Uldir Blood, Dragon Soul slimes, etc) | Beasts | Yes | Yes | Felhunter |
House of Plagues Brutes, Queens) | Male, Female | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker, Succubus, Felguard |
Manifestations of Sin | Beast | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
Boggarts | Male | Yes | Yes | Voidwalker |
N’zoth Eyeball Jellyfish | Beast | Yes | Yes | Felhound, Observer |
Fungal Constructs (BFA Blood, Maldraxxus Flesh) | Male | Yes | Yes | Observer, Voidwalker |
Blood Elemental | Male | Yes | Yes | Observer, Voidwalker, Felguard |
That’s 41 demon families (if we count the 3 Fiend and 2 Imp subtypes separately), and 26 aberration families (if we count the subtypes of N’raqi, Sha, and non-animal Wicker Construct subtypes separately), totalling 67 families.
Each family has approximately 2-5 recolors, giving us an estimate of just over 200 demons/aberrations for each warlock to choose from!
Hunters have 76 families, which if we subdivided by each subtype, totals over 300 different families. Multiply that by all the ones that have recolors, and the number is super high, probably over a thousand.
To elaborate a bit more, as I explain in a later post in this thread:
Enslave Subjugate Demon only sees relevance in niche or gimmicky moments every expansion, and even in Legion the spell was only really useful as a CC mechanic in some pulls (and even then, rarely; most notably its used in Xhul’horac was nerfed actually). This would be an amazing addition to the game, of equal if not superior level to the Green Fire Questline in MoP.
My personal list for what demons I would pick would be:
- Felguard slot - General Xakal (Fel Lord), rare add
- Succubus slot - Sister Subversia (Shivarra), rare add
- Imp slot - probaby just the fel imp model we already use, or get Gazakroth which is a purple recolor of the Fel Imp from Hex Lord Malacrass
- Felhunter - a Dark Devourer Felhound model
- Voidwalker - Soggoth the Slitherer faceless one
Using the hashtag #WarlockStables on Twitter for this so feel free to join. Just started a daily tweet about it today (August 20).
Edit November 12th 2020
Just discovered the Dreadwing/Felbat model demon FLIES WITH YOU IF YOU ENSLAVE THEM
Edit November 16th 2020
s/o to Valarynn on twitter for making this thread with a lot of likes
Edit January 14 2021
Just noticed Valarynn made mockups of what it could look like, adding
Edit Feb 16 2021
Someone on reddit did a similar spiel
Edit April 25 2021
Bellular supports the idea!
Also we can enslave the new dreadlords on the 9.1 PTR
Edit with 9.1.0
Just kidding they removed our ability to enslave dreadlords on live cool cool
Edit August 31 2021
Mr. GM has joined team Warlock Stables
Edit September 30 2021
We’re getting an Incubus glyph! After being told we were getting an Incubus glyph ten years ago (but who’s counting uwu lol)