Welcome to the Unofficial Playable Rajani Mogu Discussion Thread
The goal of this thread is for the discussion about the mogu as playable race but also about the mogu in general: lore, cities, mounts, heritage, class choices, customization, etc
Allied Race or Core race? It doesn’t matter. I only want to see them added to the game as playable race.
Feel free to share your opinion here or what you think about this or just to say a little “hello”: everyone is welcomed here.
Please keep in mind this thread is a work in progress. I will try to update this post when I can with new information, artworks or other things.
This thread is in several sections.
- Who are the Mogu?
- Mogu Tribes
- Which Faction?
- Racial Leaders
- Racial Capital
- Racial Mount
- Racial Crest and Tabard
- Heritage Armor
- Recruitment Quest Ideas
- Class Choices
- Hunter Pet Possibility
- The Model
- Customization Options Overview
- Racials
- Language
- Dances
- Do female Mogu exist?
- Other thing
- Other threads
Who are the Mogu?
The mogu are a titan-forged race manufactured by the Forge of Wills during the ordering of Azeroth. They were created to dig out the myriad waterways and rivers of the world.
Highkeeper Ra used the artifact known as The Fist of Ra-den, which could channel the fury of storms, to bestow life upon the mogu. Some say that the mogu race was created in the image of Norushen.
They were once a legion of stone, heartless and obedient, and by their masters’ command, the mogu fought the terrible servants of the Old Gods, shaped the mountains and carved the rivers of the land. The mogu created a magical cradle of life in a hidden valley now known as the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
For many ages, the mogu guarded the work of the titans, fighting against the mantid swarms. The mogu served the titanic watcher Ra-den when the titans left Azeroth. Those who answered directly to Ra were known as the Rajani.
When the Old Gods used the Curse of Flesh on the mogu, they became terrified as their stone forms transformed them into mortal beings. They soon began to breathe, to bleed and to die. But with the flesh came the other curses of mortality: pride and greed, fear and anger.
No longer united in purpose, the mogu fought amongst themselves. Powerful mogu warlords gathered up followers and made war on one another. Their battles scorched the land, terrifying the other mortal races. Though the curse made the mogu mortal, they later found a way to reverse the process. Despite this, the vast majority of mogu, including Lei Shen, appeared to remain fleshy.
Mogu Clans
Mogu live in clans, led by powerful warlords.
Rajani: The Rajani are group of mogu loyal to the titan keeper Ra in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, led by Stormspeaker Qian.
In ancient times, when all of the mogu were still servants of the titans, those who answered to Ra were known as the “Rajani”.
After N’Zoth was freed from its prison, the ancient clan was resurrected to once again serve the keeper and defend the titans’ works.
Together with the Golden Lotus and Shado-Pan, the Rajani help defend the Vale from the forces of N’Zoth as well as the mogu forces taking advantage of the chaos from N’Zoth being freed to conquer the Vale.
Dokani clan: The Dokani mogu are one of the clans that rose to power following the defeat of Lei Shen, warring against the Baruk and Zan-Tien for control over the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Masters of blood magic, they bolster their ranks with powerful blood golems fueled by the life essence of those they conquer.
After N’Zoth was freed from its prison, the Baruk, Dokani, and Zan-Tien took advantage of the chaos to invade the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and fight each other for control.
Baruk clan: The Baruk mogu are one of the clans that rose to power following the defeat of Lei Shen, warring against the Dokani and Zan-Tien for control over the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Stubborn and prideful, they use the spirits of the dead to animate the statues littering their ruins and turn them into immortal terracotta warriors.
After N’Zoth was freed from its prison, the Baruk, Dokani, and Zan-Tien took advantage of the chaos to invade the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and fight each other for control.
Gifted stoneshapers, they invaded the Ruins of Guo-Lai, deigning themselves worthy to lay claim to the ancient grounds. They are building a titanic keeper called Tashara. Stormspeaker Qian of the Rajani states that the methods the Baruk use is actually necromancy, which is forbidden for the mogu, and a disgrace to their people.
Zan-Tien clan: The Zan-Tien mogu are one of the clans that rose to power following the defeat of Lei Shen, warring against the Baruk and Dokani for control over the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
They are known for their command over cloud serpents and storm magic and are considered by many to be the dominant mogu clan, though the other clans surely disagree.
After N’Zoth was freed from its prison, the Baruk, Dokani, and Zan-Tien took advantage of the chaos to invade the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and fight each other for control. The Zan-Tien amassed outside the Golden Pagoda and posed the most direct threat to the Golden Lotus. They trapped some Rajani Warserpents in serpent cages at the Golden Stair.
Shan’ze clan: The Shan’ze are a clan of mogu found in Townlong Steppes, the Jade Forest, and the Isle of Thunder. They operate from the dark island of Shan’ze Dao, where they make plans to assault Niuzao Temple to the south to claim the entire region of Townlong Steppes.
Eventually, led by Shan Bu, the Shan’ze launched a devastating assault on Niuzao Temple and the surrounding area, which left the Pandaren defenders decimated.
Shan Bu heard the news of Lei Shen’s return, and he looked forward to serving his emperor once again.
Shan Bu has taken the majority of his clan, which is currently the largest of all Mogu clans in Pandaria, to the Thunder King’s seat of power. A small group of Shan’ze remained on Shan’ze Dao to hold the island for the Thunder King’s forces. The Shan’ze have added tremendously to Lei Shen’s ever-growing army which he intends to use to reclaim his rule over Pandaria.
Another splinter cell of Shan’ze led by Shan Jitong led an invasion force into the Jade Forest to claim the region.
Korune clan: The Korune clan is a clan or a tribe of mogu that has been in hiding for centuries, but finally revealed themselves once more after hearing of the rebirth of the Thunder King.
They performed many dark experiments for their king during his reign. They appear to have the ability to control the sha energies and use their dark powers for their own. They created the Divine Bell, as well as a device capable of storing sha.
Gormali clan: The Gormali are a clan of mogu found in the Jade Forest, led by Subjugator Gormal. They are attacking Nectarbreeze Orchard and kidnapping the Pandaren there, sending them off to Camp Gormal as slaves, where they are sent on boats to an unknown task.
Shao-Tien clan: The Shao-Tien clan is a clan of mogu that operate mainly in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, fielding an entire army in their quest for dominance.
Kao-Tien: The Kao-Tien mogu led by Warlord Kao and Vilnak’dor attacked the Zandalari at Warport Rastari in Zuldazar in order to take the land for themselves. They came aboard a Zandalari battleship filled with mogu soldiers and inanimate statues to spark life in.
At the Temple of the Prophet and the Temple of Rezan, more mogu appeared to aid Zul after his rebellion became public.
Lei-zhi: The Lei-zhi mogu are located on the Isle of Fangs and Tusk Isle in Zuldazar. They worked with Prophet Zul and his followers.
Gurthan clan: The Gurthan clan is a clan of mogu that have traveled from an unknown location to the Mogu’shan Palace to pay tribute to their king while seeking to prove themselves amongst their rival clans of Harthak and Kargesh. This clan favors the use of fist weapons and prizes their quilen companions.
Harthak clan: The Harthak clan is a clan of mogu that have traveled from an unknown location to the Mogu’shan Palace to pay tribute to their king while seeking to prove themselves amongst their rival clans of Gurthan and Kargesh. The clan members are masters of wind and lightning based magic.
Kargesh clan: The Kargesh clan is a clan of mogu that have traveled from an unknown location to the Mogu’shan Palace to pay tribute to their king while seeking to prove themselves amongst their rival clans of Harthak and Gurthan. This clan has strong warriors that favor large weapons and fire magic.
Korjan clan: The Korjan clan is a clan of mogu found in the Ruins of Korja of Krasarang Wilds. They are using portals to connect with Kun-Lai Summit to transfer supplies and captives.
Krasari clan: The Krasari clan is a clan of mogu found in the Krasari Ruins of Krasarang Wilds. This clan seems to favor the use of poisons and shadow magic.
Dojani clan: The Dojani clan is a clan of mogu found in the Krasarang Wilds. They inhabit the Ruins of Dojan, but do not seem to be from there. They are carefully collecting useful relics.
Stonebound: The Stonebound are a mogu group located on Skittering Hollow. They first appeared on Pandaria.
Zian-Ti: The Zian-Ti mogu are located on The Dread Chain.
Which Faction?
Wishing to take up with their titan legacy again, the rajani will find the best way for that:
- Being in contact with titan-forged races or theirs “descendants” (Humans + Dwarves + Gnomes)
- Being in contact with races affected with the Curse of Flesh as them (Humans + Dwarves + Gnomes)
- Being in contact with races interested by the titans, the knowledge of titans, the titan’s creations and the titan-forged complexes (Humans + Dwarves + Gnomes)
- Being in contact with races searching the story of their origin (Humans + Dwarves + Gnomes + Explorers’ League)
- Being in contact with races doing research about the titans, the titan-forged complexes and the titan’s creations (Explorers’ League => Dwarves + Humans + Gnomes)
- Being in contact with races knowing well the titans, the the titan-forged complexes and the titan’s creations (Dwarves)
- Being in contact with people with the capacity to speak or communicate with titans (Magni Bronzebeard, “the Speaker of Azeroth”)
- Rajani will fight for the Alliance to take up with their titan legacy again and for the glory of mogu
- Gurthan will fight for the Horde for their warlord Kuai and for the glory of mogu
Racial Leaders
Stormspeaker Qian (on the left side) or General Xing (on the right side) if Stormspeaker Qian must stay in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to protect it
Stormspeaker Qian is the leader of the Rajani mogu, located in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms’ Silent Sanctuary next to Ra-den’s throne. He leads the defense of the Vale against the invading mantid, mogu, and forces of the Black Empire.
General Xing is a Rajani mogu who patrols inside the Silent Sanctuary in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
(Stormspeaker Qian will stay in the the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to protect it)
Kuai (Horde, on the left) / General Xing (Alliance, on the right)
Kuai the Brute is the leader of the Gurthan clan.
General Xing is a Rajani mogu who patrols inside the Silent Sanctuary in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Racial Capital
Mogu'shan PalaceRacial Mount
(Racial mount concept - by TheAceofHearth)
Racial Crest and Tabard
(Crest concept - by TheAceofHearth)
(Tabard concept - by TheAceofHearth)
Heritage Armor
(Heritage armor concept - by TheAceofHearth)
Recruitment Quest Ideas
A rajani delegation will visit some titan-forged complexes and titan constructions with Magni Bronzebeard, Brann Bronzebeard and some dwarves from the Explorers’ League.
The goal of this delegation will be to see the status of some titan-forged complexes or titan constructions. But the other goal will be to meet other titan-forged races and speak with them about the titans and the future.
They will visit:
- the Halls of Origination and meet the Tol’vir (peacefully)
- Ulduar and meet Freya + Mimiron + some Titanic watcher + the Earthen + the Mechagnome
- the Chamber of Heart and meet MOTHER
- Hall of Explorers and meet the Dwarves (Bronzebeard clan / Dark Iron clan / Wildhammer clan) + the Gnomes
- Stormwind City and meet the Humans + the Dwarves + the Gnomes
Rajani and Gurthan found a compromise to avoid the fight between their two clans and to defend the Vale of Eternal Blossoms from other threats.
You will choose your side before going in the Alliance or the Horde city:
- Alliance: You’re a rajani. Fight for the Alliance to take up your titan legacy again and for the glory of mogu. Rajani will look for their titan legacy with other titan-forged races (Humans + Dwarves + Gnomes) and how to take up with it again.
- Horde: You’re a gurthan. Fight for the Horde, for your warlord and for the glory of mogu. Gurthan will share their knowledge (a part of this knowledge) with the other Horde races against new knowledges.
Class Choices
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Priest
- Shaman (Kris of the Mogu Shaman)
- Mage
- Warlock
- Death Knight
- Monk
Hunter Pet Possibility
CraneThe Model
Use the basic models from MoP and BfA
Customization Options Overview
- Skin colors
- Eyes colors
- Face forms
- Hair
- Earring
- Jewellry
- Terracotta Stance: Turn into an immobile statue, granting immunity to all damage and harmful effects for 3 secondes. 3 minutes CD. Hitting the ground after falling while this spell is active will stun nearby enemies within 10 yards for 1 second
- Spark of Life: Place a rune on the ground that will resurrect one nearby party or raid member after combat has ended. 30 minutes CD
- Stone and Thunder: Increases the damage of your critical strike by 1% as Nature Damage
- Legion of Stone: Reduce Nature type damage taken by 1%
- Stonecarver: You have a chance to loot additional minerals when mining
(Ideas by TheAceofHearth)
- Common
- Common and Orc (if neutral)
- Mogu
Female dance:
(Dance from 6:26 to 7:43)
Male dance:
(Dance from 0:00 to 0:52)
Do female Mogu exist?
Yes, female Mogu are confirmed in lore:
(General Xing)
(Monara, the last queen of the mogu)
In Hearthstone, we have a female Mogu too.
(A female Mogu Cultist in Hearthstone - by Arthur Bozonnet)
Other thing
This thread model is based about the Fenelon, Zitga and Bagzak threads. Thanks to them for this.
Other threads
Here I put 2 lists:
- A list for Allied Race threads
- A list for Customization threads
Other threads for playable races:
Ankoan and Jinyu thread - by Rorrand
The Ankoan and Jinyu Race Discussion Thread
Arakkoa thread - by Lore
Unoffical Playable Arakkoa Discussion Thread
Broken thread - by Mianyaue
Unofficial Playable Broken Discussion Thread
Dragonmaw Orcs and Wildhammer Dwarves thread vs
- by Keldar
Megathread: Twilight Highlands Allied Races - DRAGONMAW Orcs and WILDHAMMER Dwarves
Drakonids thread - by Keldar
Megathread: The Other Half of the Dragon Fantasy - DRAKONIDS
Ethereal thread - by Lore
Unoffical Playable Ethereal Discussion Thread
Forest Troll thread - by Zurogrusel
Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread
Furbolg thread - by Fenelon
Unofficial Playable Furbolg Discussion Thread
Haranir thread - by Daisy
The Official Playable Haranir Thread
Kelfin thread - by Ruff
The Gilgoblin/Kelfin Megathread
Kelfin thread - by Gnomest
The kelfin love/allied race discussion thread
Mok’Nathal thread - by Mianyaue
Unofficial Playable Mok’Nathal Discussion Thread
Naga thread - by Leotheras
Unofficial Naga Playable Race Discussion Thread
Rajani Mogu thread - by Mianyaue
Unofficial Playable Rajani Mogu Discussion Thread
Saberon thread - by Lore
Unoffical Playable Saberon Discussion Thread
Saurok thread - by Bagzak
The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread!
Sethrak thread - by Nadezhdha
Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread
San’layn thread - by Fallynn
San’layn/vampyr elf Customization (and Allied Race idea) Coagulated Megathread {Re-VAMPed} (part 2)
San’layn/vampyr elf Customization (and Allied Race idea) Coagulated Megathread {Re-VAMPed} (part 1)
Stonemaul Ogre thread - by Bagzak
The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!
Taunka thread - by Zitga
Taunka Allied Race Megathread
Tuskarr thread - by Mianyaue
Unofficial Playable Tuskarr Discussion Thread
Tuskarr thread - by Jorreno
Unofficial Playable Tuskarr Discussion Thread
Vrykul thread - by Mianyaue
Unofficial Playable Vrykul Discussion Thread
"Subraces” customizations for core races - by Mianyaue
Give us more “subraces” customizations for core races
Various ideas about allied races for the Alliance and the Horde - by Mianyaue
Allied races for the Alliance and the Horde
Various ideas about allied races - by Mianyaue
New allied races
Allied race thread from WoW Community Council - by Kretias
Call for Allie(d race)s
Other threads for customizations:
Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin’dorei) - by Kyuu
Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin’dorei)
Blood Elf Customization thread - by Veras
Big Blood Elf Customization Thread
Dark Iron Dwarves/Mag’har Orcs thread vs
- by Grymes
Dark Iron Dwarves/Mag’har Orcs next on the table for expanded customizations?
Draenei/Lightforged customization thread - by Averyx
Draenei/Lightforged customization Feedback Thread. Currently the new options are lacking in fantasy
Forsaken/Undead Customization thread - by Baalsamael
Forsaken/Undead Customization Megathread
Human Customization thread - by Anansi
Human Customization Thread
Kul’tiran Love & Customization Thread - by Morbann
Kul’tiran Love & Customization Thread
Kul-Tirans and Zandalari Customisation thread vs
- by Kyzendra
Kul-Tirans and Zandalari Customisation ideas?
Mechagnome Customization thread - by Coaxial
Mechagnome Customization Requests Thread
Night Elf Customization thread - by Elesana
Night Elf Customization thread
Nightborne Customization thread - by Ellinia
Nightborne Customization Thread
Troll Customization thread - by Baalsamael
All-Troll Customization Megathread
Void Elf Customization thread (Ascension of the Ren’dorei) - by Fenelon
Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren’dorei) (part 2)
Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren’dorei) (part 1)
Vulpera Customization thread - by Fokuro
Vulpera Customization Thread
Worgen Customization thread - by Keori
Worgen Customization Mega Thread
Customization Suggestions thread - by Drede
Customization Suggestions Megathread (Edited for 9.2.5)
Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff - by Baalsamael
Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff
Dark Iron Mole Machine update - by Onijitsu
Dark Iron Mole Machine update
Upright Forsaken Models thread - by Banshih
Upright Forsaken Models - Overdue Character Customization
"Subraces” customizations for core races - by Mianyaue
Give us more “subraces” customizations for core races
Customization thread from WoW Community Council - by Dynja and Maizou
Character Customization - We want more! (Dynja post)
Character Customization - We want more! (Maizou post)