The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! 🐊

Welcome to the Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Update 6/4/24: Added a couple new megathreads to the list (Naga and a second Tinker megathread). Added an important notice right below this text as well about a new thread cap limit.

IMPORTANT: A recent forum change has lowered a thread’s post cap. At 5,000 posts, the thread will close and auto create a new thread with the same title. If this happens to this megathread, look below the last post to see a link to the new megathread created. I’ll also have a link to it close to the top here to help guide people to it!

I am unsure if there is a time limit or a limit on the number of edits a thread can go through, so always check the latest posts for any news and current discussions!

Our Purpose

The purpose of this megathread is to support Saurok as a playable Horde race. This is done through gathering fan support, sharing ideas and concepts, and having ongoing discussions about playable Horde Saurok. If you’re wondering why we go to such great lengths to show our support, read on to learn more about Saurok in general!

If by some Winter’s Veil miracle Blizzard decides to make playable Horde Saurok, they are more than welcome to use any ideas either myself or others have presented.

Saurok Lore

A long time ago, in a world (of Warcraft!) not so far away depending on where your computer is located, there existed the continent of Pandaria. On it resided several reptiles of the lizard variety. They ran around, doing lizard things like munching on food, basking in the sun, synchronized swimming contests, investing in the stockmarket, and helping to control the bug population. Life was pretty sweet.

One day, however, some evil jerks with egos the size of the ocean (and capable of being five times as salty) decided that Pandaria should be under new management. As part of this plan, they proceeded to gather up all the reptiles they could find and in a process more painful than an advanced theoretical calculus class, used their flesh-shaping magic to change the lizards into the Saurok. They then forced them into indentured servitude, complete with a crappy health care and the only severance pay being your head being severed and your spirit ripped out, with only a ghost of a chance of getting out of it.

Doesn’t that suck? Not even Phoenix Wright could help with such a case! But such was the plight of the Saurok, who marched across the land to enforce the will of the Mogu on the local denizens. As time went on, however, the Saurok questioned why they were bothering to follow the Mogu’s commands with all the unfair treatment. At some, the straw…well, the barrels of hay that were dropped onto the camel fell, and the Saurok decided that enough is enough. They wanted to be free from the tyranny and get all the shiny treasures and such for themselves! And so, the Saurok Rebellion began.

The Mogu were obviously not amused at this union being formed, much preferring the WWE way of independent contractors with a much more nefarious touch. Their attempts to crush the rebellion went about as well as stomping on some legos. The Saurok stood strong, with the Mogu never being successful in eradicating them. The Saurok even managed to climb a wall in the dead of night to have a meeting with the then Mogu emperor, Dojan the second. They decided to toss the emperor over the giant pavilion wall he resided to take him out for dinner. It’s hard to negotiate business deals with teeth and claws however, and so the emperor’s tenure came to an abrupt end as he came down with a sudden case of revenge. His body was never found.

Afterwards, the Saurok broke off into multiple tribes. Several stayed on Pandaria while others left the continent, during and after the mists were lifted. Since then, the Pandaren have been trying to make diplomatic contact with them, only fighting when it is absolutely unavoidable. Despite there being little to no success, the Pandaren keep trying.

Thus the legacy of the Saurok continues to this day in various forms!

Are Saurok capable of working with other races?

Yes! There are instances of Saurok being around and working with other races.

In BfA, there is a pirate crew called “The Bilgerats” who consist primarily of NPC races (aside from Vulpera), and Saurok are among the ranks. They’re seen walking around Freeport with their shipmates among other crews and there is even one flexing his muscles to some humans of another crew.

Also in Tiragarde Sound, there is a hidden underwater area called “The Whale’s Belly,” where two Saurok are enjoying the party down there among other races. Even a Dwarf captain occasionally walks up to them and does a friendly roar emote, and the Saurok don’t even try to maul his face over it.

Back in Mists of Pandaria, there were a few Saurok allowed in the Temple of the White Tiger to compete in honorable combat. They obviously would be on their best behavior to be able to stay there. This is talked about in this post.

In Shadowlands, a Saurok spirit in Maldraxxus is hanging out with and talking with at least one spirit that was likely a Dwarf. Saurok being able to arrive in Maldraxxus is interesting, given that souls there are meant to work together to protect the Shadowlands. Discussed in this post with screenshots.

If Saurok are capable of being among other races in some form of an establishment that offers services for gold and if they are capable of working with other races to form a functioning pirate crew, it stands to reason that they would be capable of being able to work with the Horde for a greater purpose.

What faction would they join?

I am a firm supporter of Saurok joining the Horde.

First, being a tribal race is more fitting with the Horde. They would look a lot better walking around places like Orgrimmar and Thunderbluff than Stormwind and Iron Forge. Saurok being a shamanistic race is also more fitting with the Horde, finding more similarities with Orcs and Trolls as opposed to Wildhammer Dwarves and Draenei. It’s also hard to imagine the Alliance not looking down upon the Saurok, thinking they’re just angry brutes. They would be better treated and respected in the Horde.

Second is that as a former slave soldier race, Saurok would fit quite well with the Horde’s theme of survival in a world that is against them. Saurok fought for their freedom against the Mogu, who are still around and likely causing problems for them in general. As a young and artificial race, they have to survive against a harsh world, as well as any Mogu that would come into power and try to enslave them again. As such, it’s very fitting for Saurok to join the Horde, since many other races also banded together to support each other for survival. I see Saurok joining the Horde to be a very interesting storyline opportunity as a result.

Third is that there are a few parallels between Saurok and Orcs. Both were slave races that were to be used as weapons for evil beings, both broke free from their cruel masters, both have some form of savagery in their personalities, both are Shamanistic in their cultures, and both have multiple tribes with different beliefs.

Thus why I strongly support Saurok as a playable Horde race.

Core or Allied Race?

Saurok could work as either an Allied Race or a Core Race, though I lean more towards Saurok as a Core Race.

Despite the Allied Race system not being utilized since BfA, I have no reason to believe that it has been entirely shelved. I can still see Allied Races added, albeit infrequently compared to BfA, so no 10+ new playable races in an expansion.

In such a case, we would likely run into a Saurok tribe we have to befriend, maybe with several meat lovers pizzas. I can’t say whether needing rep to unlock Allied Races would be required in the future, but Allied Race unlocks could just be something that comes from after storyline quests that could unlock for everyone instead of needing rep, but we won’t know what all is done until a new Allied Race is release, in which I’ll have to edit this section.

As for why I lean towards Saurok as a Core Race, I mostly think of it in terms of development time. I feel like Core Races would be given time for love and care in developing for release of a new expansion, whereas Allied Races could get rushed to get done between patches.

Regardless, I’m fine with either as long as we get playable Horde Saurok someday and they have enough development time to design and implement them. And for Saurok as an Allied Race…

There is plenty of room for a Saurok banner in the Horde embassy!

Possible Tabard and Allied Race Banner design

The Skumblade tribe have their own banner on the Isle of Thunder, shown here:

Now, I don’t expect the Skumblade to be the playable Saurok faction, but this banner shows off a design that could be used for playable Saurok tabards and an allied race banner. Likely, the colors would need to be changed, but otherwise this would work for both, in my opinion.

Do any females exist in the game?

To my knowledge, not at the time of this post. However, artwork does exist in Hearthstone of a female Saurok shown here:

Even without female models in-game, it isn’t impossible to create one. Some currently playable races, such as Worgen, didn’t have any female models but eventually did when they became playable. Gilgoblins, a potential candidate for an allied race in the future, use to be all male, but in BfA, we saw female models created for them. It isn’t impossible to create a female Saurok if they were to ever be playable.

What classes would they be?

Almost all classes would be available for playable Saurok these days.

Race/Class combination design philosophy has been going through a change. Before, a playable race would be limited to certain classes based on lore and culture reasons. However, Blizzard has been slowly opening up almost all classes to almost all playable races.

With future new playable races, I see no reason why classes opened up to all current playable races wouldn’t be opened up to future playable races. So instead of thinking of what a Saurok would and couldn’t be, the idea is to think more on how to explain how Saurok could be that class, with one exception.

Below is a list of all current classes. Click on them to see my thoughts on each class:

Death Knight

Despite the events in Shadowlands, much as I try to forget them, I don’t see Death Knights never being an option for future playable races.

It has been discussed in here that there are ways that Death Knights could still raise others fully, and not as random ghouls or skeletons. Especially since raising undead in general is still a thing, so it wouldn’t be too out of the question for new Deaths to be created for a very good reason.

All that really needs to be done is to edit the Allied Race/Pandaren DK starting area to have Lich King Bolvar removed, add new race NPC’s when applicable, and quest text changed to be more expansion neutral. Letting WotLK/Cata races also start there would also be a good thing if that hasn’t already been done.

As for Saurok, I doubt they would see it as a weakness. It would be another chance to continue to fight against enemy Mogu and help against whatever threat to the world (of Warcraft!) would be. Better to gain power and fight in death than to be a slave to Mogu in spirit form, after all.

Demon Hunter

While I do see Demon Hunters opening up to other races, a lot is really going to depend on what exactly is done with that story-wise and to what extent.

I know there are races other than Blood Elves and Night Elves that are Demon Hunters, so it isn’t out of the question to see more races become them. I know a new starting area would have to be created like with Death Knights, though preferably expansion-neutral so future playable races could get added to it.

However, would all existing playable races get that as an option or would it just be a few races initially, with more being added overtime? This is the uncertainty that makes it a bit tricky to speculate. Ideally, all races could become them eventually, and it could be likely with Blizzard’s new philosophy on race/class combos, but it’s something to keep an open mind on.

As for Saurok, I suppose them being Demon Hunters could be a specialized type of hunt. Maybe the playable faction of them would have had some bad run-ins with them or they would judge them as worthy foes to be hunted. It could be a challenge they undertake to gain status with their loa/wild god and within their tribe as well. Definitely several ways you could go with this line of thinking, depending on how future Demon Hunter and playable Saurok storylines would go.


Likely one of the last classes we would see open up to all races in the future.

One of the tasks needed to be done with new Druid races is that each form would have to be made for every playable race. It would take a long of designing and planning, but not impossible. My hope is that each playable race would get to have unique animal forms as opposed to a generic model being applied to all future Druid races, which would be very disappointing.

For Saurok Druids, something I’ve talked about before was the idea of taking care of nature being important for hunts. After all, if the ecosystem gets damaged, that affects animals, which then affects hunts. It’s a circle of life in a sense, and that can tie into the Saurok theme of hunts should that be applied to their culture.

As for their forms, these are my guesses which aren’t perfect of course:

Aquatic Form- Crocolisk

Bear- Snapping Turtle

Cat- Saurolisk

Moonkin- A humanoid-like Archaeopteryx.

Travel Form (Flying)- A draco, a RL lizard that can glide in the air.

Travel Form (Ground)- Perentile. A RL lizard known for being fast. Can also work to carry a passanger.


This is the on class exception I mentioned. Evokers currently are locked to Dracthyr, with no plans of opening it up to other races in the near future.

So as fun as it would be to have flying Saurok that can spit fireballs, it isn’t in the cards at the moment. If things change and Evokers do open up to other races, I will be sure to edit this text to reflect on that.


Pretty much a given for Saurok and any future playable races, really.

We’ve seen Saurok raise and fight alongside animals, and given how hunting would likely be a very popular pastime, Saurok Hunters would definitely be a thing.

For starting pets, while a lot would depend on where playable Saurok would reside, the following could work for them, with some we’ve seen in-game: Basilisks, crocolisks, mushan, or Pandaria turtles. More on that in greater detail in the next section.

The starting weapon of choice could be bows and maybe even spears. Both fitting, in my opinion.


Mages have been opened up to all current playable races, aside from Dracthyr at the time of this text being typed, so I see future races being able to be them as well.

Saurok Mages can easily be explained by them coming across magical artifacts and tomes, likely from raids on Mogu vaults. They can increase Saurok intelligence and let them study the magical items to become mages. Not too far fetched and definitely possible.


With all current races being able to be Monks, I would guess that future playable races would also be able to be them. Even ones with models built from the ground up.

And with Saurok hailing from Pandaria, where Monks are very prevalent, I could see them learning Monk techniques. Especially since places like the Temple of Xuen allow Saurok to come in. Maybe some studied at temples on Pandaria.

I will say this would be a pretty important race/class combo to attract people who use to play Iksar Monks in Everquest 1, so Saurok Monks should definitely be a thing.


Speculation is that Paladin will be the next class to open up for all races.

We’ve seen Paladins of races that can’t normally be them on the playable side, granted some might cause some debate. We’ve also seen some Paladins get liberties taken to give them an interesting spin, like with Zandalari Paladins.

With Saurok, I’d say they would be similar to Zandalari Paladins in a way. They get powers from their loa/wild god and fight in their name. They could be named something else, like how Zandalari Paladins are called Prelates, but for gameplay purposes, they would be called and function as Paladins. A lot does depend on how a playable Saurok faction would be treated to really determine that.

As for Saurok Paladin mounts, it would likely be a more fancy version of whatever their racial mount would be. Plenty of options for them, though I don’t know which would be the most likely.


Another class that was opened up for all current playable races.

We’ve seen some Saurok be referred to as Priests in-game, such as in the Skumblade Tribe. I would guess that for playable Saurok, they would be priests who follow and worship their loa/wild god and get powers that way. Pretty easy to implement and make lore for, in my opinion.


And yet another class opened up to all current playable races.

Saurok Rogues would more or less be scouts or the type that like to sneak and ambush enemies or prey in hunts. We’ve also seen Saurok pirates in-game, so Outlaw Rogues would fit just fine for them.


This is another class that is speculated to open up to other races. I would guess all races eventually, with each one hopefully having their own racial totems and some having their own spirit form.

I’m sure Saurok totems would be reptilian themed in some way. As for their spirit form, I would guess a saurolisk would be the most fitting for them. Still open to suggestions, of course.


Since Warlocks have been opened up to all current playable races, I would say that would carry over to future playable races.

As with Mages, Saurok Warlocks could come from raiding Mogu Vaults and coming across artifacts and such that would be Warlock related. Seems like the best way to explain how Saurok got into being Warlocks to me.


Likely the most obvious class that should be given to all future playable races.

Lizard likes to fight. Lizard picks up weapon. Lizard beats enemies up with weapon. What more is there to say really? Saurok Warriors would be a guarantee.

Saurok Hunter Starting Pet Ideas

A lot will depend on where playable Saurok start, but there are still a lot of options. Even off Pandaria, it is possible the playable Saurok tribe took some beasts with them to where ever they would reside.

These do show that Saurok are capable of forming a bond with animals as hunting companions, which is important to note since Saurok are far from mindless beasts. That said, here is the list:


The Saurok in the Skumblade Tribe that use these are capable of forming a bond with them, with some not wanting to kill their pet to prove themselves to the Skumblade Tribe, where the leaders think relying on a pet makes one weak.

Pandaria Turtle:

Despite Pandarens starting with that type of turtle, Saurok have been shown to also utilize them in at least one tribe. Not entirely impossible to have them start with the same type of pet.


The Salyin clan raises them for different purposes like combat, as shown with their giant mushan named Galleon. It stands to reason that Saurok tribes in general could tame them both as combat pets and also for mounts.

Pandaria Crocolisk:

While I have not seen Saurok with crocolisk pets in-game currently, it isn’t too out there of an idea. It’s very fitting and also contrasts Pandaren with their turtle pets very well.

If I think of any other starting pets for Saurok Hunters, I’ll be sure to add them to the list!

Heritage Armor

There are two possibilities: Heritage armor based on what we have in the game already and something new. I’ll talk about both and a specific idea for new heritage armor.

If we go by what is in the game, there are two main types of armor Saurok use.

One with a banner on the back:

And one with the ring on the back:

There are slight variants of these in the game, but these two in general are the main armor of Saurok.

It’s possible either of these could be used for heritage armor designs, though my opinion is that we would likely see a brand new armor design be created as their heritage armor. Still, it’s worth nothing what is currently there when considering heritage armor.

Another possibility is that we could see something brand new created for them. One idea I had involved bone armor of some kind. If Saurok value strength and hunt a lot, it could be reasoned that they could utilize the bones from their prey for different uses. Tools, weapons, and even armor. Imagine taking on a giant beast and then making armor out of its strong bones. It would be quite the trophy, wouldn’t it?

I’m currently seeking examples of bone armor to share in this section. I’ll be sure to share some here when I find some examples!

Racial Ideas

Dash with Water Walking- When activated, Saurok have increased run speed while being able to walk on water when this ability is active. This comes from some real life lizards having the ability to run across water.

Passive Regeneration- Lizardmen in general are known for having a form of passive regeneration. Real life lizards are also known to regrow parts of their body, such as their tails. Thus, a form of passive generation would be a fitting racial.

Increased Underwater Breath Meter- Saurok should be able to stay underwater longer than other races.

Increased Swimspeed- Saurok should be able to swim faster than other races.

Infravision- Saurok have the ability to use infravision, possibly as a clickable skill. This could be used to help see mobs in general and also see stealthed enemies.

Natural Armor- Since having scales, Saurok could have more defense against physical attacks.

Tail Equipment- Saurok could have the ability to put weapons or magical items on their tail, such as a spiked ball or a magical crystal. This could be used to increase attack power, spell haste, or even just be a decorative item like a transmog. See this post for more information.

Tail Whip/Swipe- Some real-life lizards are capable of whipping with their tail. This could be a single target stun attack or the Saurok could spin and trip mobs around them for 2 to 3 seconds.

Potential Dances

“Walk the Dinosaur” by “Was (Not Was)”

Referring to the dance the cave women do. Talked about in this post.

“Crocodile Rock” by Elton John:

Talked about with other videos showing the dance in this post.

Potential Racial Mounts

A lot depends on where the playable faction of Saurok resides and if they take any beasts with them from Pandaria or not. But here are some ideas:


We know Saurok have raised mushan for mounts, like the Salyin Clan. There also are mushan mounts already in the game, so it wouldn’t be too hard to change up the armor and colors of them to have as Saurok racial mounts.


Crocolisk mounts exist in the game and several live on Pandaria. Like with the mushan mount idea, it could be possible to change their armor, saddle, and scale colors to be Saurok mounts. Especially if they’re similar to Pandarian Crocolisks


This is an idea that has been discussed throughout the megathread. The idea here is that the playable Horde Saurok Tribe could reside in Un’goro Crater, which could lead to devilsaur mounts finally being a thing.

Of course, size is one of the big issues (pun not intended, but I’ll roll with it). Not sure if they would be kept as a Saurok racial mount or used as a prestige mount you have to get from grinding rep and buying, especially from a faction neutral NPC. Still worth a mention, of course.

More will be added as we think of ideas!

Ideas for Jokes

We try not to have beef with the Tauren, but sometimes it becomes a high steaks battle.

Of course we Saurok are smarter than we look! We learned how to speak from the wisest of our brood. We call them “The Saurus.”

I had a bone to pick with a Forsaken once, but we ended up just ribbing each other. We both found it very humerus.

Looks can be important, but sometimes we just have to scale back some.

Saurok Rogues are invaluable. They really know how to monitor.

Be careful in Orgimmar when the dinner bells ring. The roads will consist of saurus wrecks.

Members of the Horde keep asking us where the best place is to get mount and home insurance. I have no idea why!

Some guy in red jumped on me and hit me to get me to eat stuff! When I refused, he pushed me down a pit to jump across it! Who does that to people?!

The worst thing to happen to a Saurok? Accidently biting our tongue. We lose our ability to taste AND smell for days! It’s absolutely miserable!

Ideas for Flirts

I can show you just how full of “dino might” I am.

Did you know our mating is done tongue in cheek?

I can whisper sweet nothings, but I might talk your ear off.

If you can take a lickin’, I’ll keep on tickin’.

I assure you, I don’t suffer from “reptile dysfunction.”

How You Can Help!

Playable Horde Saurok aren’t a guarantee, but there are things you can do to help support the idea into possibly becoming a reality!

First, posting here is a great start. Share ideas, things like artwork and screenshots, and engage in discussions.

Second is to send in-game feedback. I made a list of how to do that here.

Third is to keep an eye out for any in-game events announced and attend them! If I ever plan any, I’ll make a post about it in here and see if anyone is interested. Please be sure to check the latest post to see if any are planned or post if you have an interest in such an idea!

I’ll be thinking of more ways for people to help out, so check back occasionally!

Closing Thoughts

Saurok have a very uphill battle in terms of making them playable, but it is far from impossible. As stated before, a lot of lore and creativity would have to be implemented to make them work. A good story is possible with them becoming playable, and I feel like it would add a lot to the game to finally get a playable lizard man race, which is different from Dracthyr who are more dragon than lizard man.

That said, I do want to state again that this thread is a work in progress, and will have stuff added to it as I do more research and more ideas are brought up. I’ll have any changes in the update part of the megathread at the top, so please keep an eye on that for any changes.

I appreciate any help and support for playable Horde Saurok. Thank you!

Links to Other Megathreads

When it comes to MMORPG’s, I feel that the most important aspect is the player character. They are a player’s identity in the game, and the more options and variety there is, the better and more invested players will get.

Gameplay features like new races, classes, and customization options are something that constantly gets added throughout their lifespans. Often times, people come across NPC races and classes that really appeal to them, often wishing they could play as those races or classes. Or perhaps existing races need something new and fresh added to them with new customization options.

As such, it is important that our voices get heard somehow, and many of us have created megathreads here in order to advocate for these features to get added, have one place to have discussions, and to constantly share ideas on each megathread’s subject. It is not an easy feat to create a megathread, let alone maintain it, and it can often be all for naught since nothing is guaranteed.

Despite that, megathreads are still an important way to provide feedback and have a voice. Below is a list of current megathreads for new playable races, classes, and customization options for existing races.

The list of megathreads on the official US WoW forums are below, in which more will be added as time goes on:

New Playable Race Request Megathreads

Ankoan and Jinyu– By Rorrand

Arakkoa – By Lore

Broken/Krokul – By Mianyaue

Covenant Races – By Emerril

Dragonmaw and Wildhammer Dwarves – By Keldar

Drakonids – By Keldar

Ethereals – By Lore

Forest Trolls – By Zurogrusel

Furbolgs – By Fenelon

Harrornir – by Daisy

High Elves (Customization focused) – by Fenelon

Kelfin (Gilgoblins, Unshackled) – By Ruff

Mok’nathol – By Mianyaue

Mogu (Rajani) – By Mianyaue

Naga - By Leotheras

Ogres – By Bagzak

Saberon – By Lore

San’layn (Race and Customization) – By Fallynn

Saurok – By Bagzak

Sethrak – By Nadezhdha

Taunka – By Zitga

Tuskarr – by Jorreno

Tuskarr - by Mianyaue

Vrykul - by Mianyaue

Customization for Existing Races Request Megathreads

Blood Elf Customization (For the Sin’dorei) – By Kyuu

Blood Elf (Big Blood Elf Customization Thread) – By Veras

Dark Iron and Mag’har Orc Customizations – By Grymes

Dark Ranger Customization – By Balesong

Draenei and Lightforged Draenei Customizations – By Averyx

Forsaken Customization - By Baalsamael

Forsaken (Nathanos Styled Undead) – By Fallynn

Goblin Customization – By Hendry

General Customization List for Existing Races – By Drede

Human Customization – By Anansi

Kul’tiran and Zandalari Customization – By Kyzendra

Kul’tiran Customization – By Morbann

Lightforged Draenei and Forsaken Toggle Thread – By Greatbrae

Man’ari Customization (Draenei) - by Mianyaue

Mechagnome Customization - By Coaxial (Fenelon)

Nightborne Customization - By Ellinia

Orc Customization – By Zurogrusel

Void Elves (For the Void Aspect) – By Fenelon

Vulpera Customization – By Fokoru

Worgen (General Customization) – By Keori

Worgen (Tails) – By Caelus

New Classes and Existing Class Features Requests Megathreads

Eldritch Knight/Void Knight – By Greatbrae

Tinkers - by Forrtress

Tinkers – By Tausnor

Warlock Stable Customization – By Ballsamael

Like my work? Interested in playable Horde Ogres? Why not check out my other megathread, The Unofficial Stonemaul Playable Race Discussion megathread:

Congratulations for getting to the end of this megathread and thank you for reading it! While this is the end of the megathread, it’s far from the end of playable Horde Saurok support!

Keep in mind the next post you read will be posts starting from when this megathread was created (June 2nd, 2019), so if you want to know the latest news and discussions, please go to the newest posts to see them!

In the meantime, I’ll continue to dream of seeing Saurok on the Horde side of that character creation screen, with Saurok players running around Orgrimmar as champions of the Horde! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


It’s possible for Sethrak to serve as an allied race for the Saurok or vice versa.

Maybe the goblins could see some value in allying the Horde with Saurok, so they send one of the tribes full of Kaja’Cola or something else that would give them some semblance of intelligence. After, they’ll be so grateful to the Horde for giving them free will, they’ll officially join.

I think Death Knights are highly unlikely, but the other classes you listed sound good.

The racial mount would probably have to be something native to Pandaria, but I’m not sure what would fit them.

Like you said, it’s going to be an uphill battle, but I think these would be one of the more unique playable races.


I always wanted these guys playable purely for their looks, and I think any lizard race would be fine since it adds variety


I would take Murlocs over Sauroks any day. Even a Jinyu would be better than a Saurok. I have it on good authority that Sauroks like to play in their poo. (See Isle of the Thunder King)

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I don’t find saurok appealing at all.


OP, you get my support for promoting an allied race that’s not another Elf. However, I’m still hoping for Sethrak to become playable by 8.3.


I’m curious if the Saurok mobs have any mounts in-game on Pandaria. Seems like they would be the kind of race that would ride a beast of some sort into battle. I’ll have to add this to my “research to do” pile.

I think anything is possible in this game. In 8.2, for example, we have Gilblins who were originally all male and aggressive to both factions. Now, they have a female model and are part of a group that is helping the Horde and are a likely allied race candidate, in my opinion. I think the key for a lot of these kinds of races is what Blizzard had mentioned previously, in that they add playable races when it makes sense in the storyline. It seems like they can work with any race if they decide to make them playable.

Variety is a reason I’d love to see them, and lizard men are a staple fantasy race, in my opinion. ^^

Nothing wrong with this at all. Not all races are appealing to everyone. Ogres are my most wanted race, and I know that not everyone wants to be such a monstrous race. Everyone has races they like, and it makes things more interesting in seeing what people come up in terms of character designing and story writing, in my opinion. ^^

Sethrak are very much a possible allied race, and I’d be happy to see them playable. It would be interesting to see what Blizzard does with them, and as I mentioned before, nothing is stopping both Sethrak and Saurok from being playable at the same time. ^^


+1 vote for Saurok


You have my full support for playable Saurok. These folk are the closest we’d get to playable dragons. I’d actually roll one of these in a heartbeat. I’m also a fan of Sethrak but don’t see why we couldn’t get both ^^


We have already seen several of them acting as pirates in Freehold!

The Sauroks, in FreeHold, have shown themselves to be able to act with other races in a rational and organized way!

If there were more daring of the devs during MOP, they could already be available as a playable race, today!

At Thunder Isle, I’ve seen several running wild, just like worgen!


That is a very good point, though these are individual Saurok as opposed to whole tribes of them. Despite that, it does show that they are capable putting their savage personality to the side and working with others.

I wonder how many of them decided to sail off Pandaria and for what reasons. I keep thinking that there may be some tribes that, for one reason or another, left to form their own tribe and civilization somewhere. Maybe as their race gets older, they start to have different views of life. It’s shown when some worship Kros, saying they came from him instead of the Mogu. If there are separate tribes that moved off Pandaria, it is possible they could have different cultures and act a bit more civilized towards other races.

If Saurok could be Warlocks, I’d likely go with that to recreate an Iksar Necromancer character I had in Everquest 1. ^^


Probably some smaller ones of these running around.


Also I LOVE Saurok, they were one of my favourite things from MoP. I really liked their origins, i’ll try to dig up a post I made about them awhile back.


Found it!


I wanted to bring up some text from a quest called “Dagger in the Dark.” It’s from Mists of Pandaria where we see the attempted assassination of Vol’jin and also learn that Garrosh wanted to create his own Saurok army.

Dagger in the Dark details and script

Of course, nothing came from this. I haven’t really done a lot with Pandaria, so I’m assuming that Garrosh didn’t get too far with his Saurok army plans. Even if he did, the army would’ve been slaughtered.

What I wanted to focus on was something Vol’jin said during the scenario:

Vol’jin says: ‘Dese “Mogu,” dey workin’ wicked dark magic here.

Vol’jin says: Da Saurok, 'dey not born - ‘dey was created. Flesh shaped an’ bent.

Vol’jin says: Dis be the blackest of magics, mon!

Rak’gor Bloodrazor says: Yes! The power to shape flesh, to build warriors. This is what the Warchief wants!

Bloodrazor walks towards Vol’jin.

Vol’jin says: Garrosh playing god? Making monsters? Dis ain’t what da Horde is about!

The shorter part of this post is where Vol’jin says that the Horde isn’t about making monsters to fight for the Horde, which is true. To me, the Horde is about races banding for survival against those who would call them monsters and hunt them down. This is more directed at making Saurok, as opposed to Saurok that already have been created, assuming some have evolved to be more than just mindless savages.

The other part is where Vol’jin mentions that dark magic was used to create the Saurok. Now, to be fair, in this instance, the Saurok were created by the Mogu using black magic, and even though they rebelled, they weren’t negotiable and just RAWR’d at everything.

Let’s assume that events happen in a future expansion that a tribe of Saurok did work with the Horde and were above being mindless mooks. Would the Horde as a whole look down on these Saurok because they were created with dark magic?

My opinion is that in such a situation, the Horde would, at best, be dubious to begin with. Working with Saurok would imply that a situation comes that there is an advantage to both races working together, and that the Saurok would actually prove themselves to be good allies to have. Many of them also denounce their creation from the Mogu, worshiping Kros who does exist in the game, so they may not view them selves as creation of dark magic.

I don’t have a source for this, but I believe that Saurok are capable of breeding among themselves, not requiring black magic. Could an argument be made that those Saurok were born of black magic? The Saurok generally did come from lizards that were transformed by the Mogu to begin with, so there is some form of organic life within them.

Even if dark magic is an issue, I feel like there are so many contradictions that Phoenix Wright would have a field day. Warlocks and Shadow Priests are allowed in the Horde and walk around freely, with some even coming from Vol’jin’s Darkspears. Death Knights are also allowed, and it could be argued that dark magic lead to their creation. Orcs were at one time filled with demon blood and have overcome their past to become something different. Seems like there are a lot of aspects of the Horde that could be viewed as dark magic of sorts.

Arguments can be made on several points, and many are debatable, but if Saurok would just be frowned upon because of their creation, I feel like the Horde would be hypocritical. Again, this is assuming that they assisted or were assisted by a tribe of Saurok that would have some form of diplomacy and empathy to deal with other races.

For Saurok to work as a Horde race, as I keep mentioning, there would need to be some form of open-mindess on both the Horde and Saurok’s part. If Thrall were to become warchief again, and assuming the Saurok that help the Horde prove themselves, I could see Thrall being sympathetic enough to offer them a place in the Horde, while helping to guide the race and help train their shamans and other classes while they help in the war against the Alliance.

That said, the way Saurok were created should not be a hindrance when considering them as a playable race. They’re capable of having their own culture, and if done right, would fit right in with the Horde. Should events occur that bring such a tribe of Saurok in the future, an interesting storyline can come out of this.

Of course, all of this is just conjecture, as the Saurok we know at the time of this post are still just RAWR and mooks to kill for quests. Still, an open-minded thinking allows for different ideas to possibly implement in the future, and who knows what will happen then?

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Forsaken set the bar on the ground for this, the scalies are fine.


That is another good point. It isn’t like the Horde is so virtuous, they could speed run Ultima 4 with no problem (same with the Alliance). So their origin of being made by dark magic shouldn’t be a problem, even if Vol’jin revives and rejoins the Horde.

I do like the idea of Saurok that traveled off Pandaria coming across some Kaja’cola out in the ocean somewhere, and gaining a bit more intelligence. It could be a way to explain why a particular tribe might have different views, have formed an actual civilization somewhere, or act differently from regular Saurok. It’s either that or, as a newish race to Azeroth, it’s just a natural evolution that occurs with their offspring and they decided to get away from the hostilities of Pandaria to live elsewhere.

Seems like there are different directions to go if Saurok were to ever be considered as a playable race.


So as it turns out, there are Saurok that have some form of philosophy! It’s a little primitive, but they are capable of it!

On Pandaria, theres a questline or method that allows you to turn into a Saurok, which I believe makes any Saurok mobs and NPC’s friendly to you, and with the Skumblade Tribe, you can talk to some of them. A few notable quotes listed on WowPedia:


  • We are born from the flesh of Kros. We were fashioned from his meat, his bones. He is our creator.

  • Kroshik is the blood of Kros. He watches over us. He is our connection to Kros. He has the strength of Kros, yet he walks on our world.

  • When the time comes, Kroshik will die, and we will take his strength. Then, the cycle will start again.

  • Kros, our creator, will not save the weak. The souls of the weak will exist in eternal fear, always fleeing from the teeth and claws of Kros and his followers.

  • If you are strong, Kros will allow you to hunt. Your eternity will be spent chasing the weak, eating their flesh, and becoming ever stronger.Be strong, saurok.

  • Strength always to the Skumblade. Strength always to you, saurok.

  • The mogu lie to our people. They tell us that we are their creation, that they twisted our flesh into its current form. They claim we owe our existence to them.

  • I DEFY the mogu! They have no power over us! They do not know what we see, how we live, what we feel! They cannot see into our souls!

  • Only Kros, our great creator, knows what is in our soul. Kros knows, and Kros understands. Kros gave you your strength, saurok. No mogu owns you.

  • Kroshik has a body of meat and bone, but he carries with him the spirit of Kros.

  • One day, Kroshik’s hunt will end. But Kros’s hunt goes on forever.

These quotes let us see a bit more into their worship of Kros, and Kroshik is said to be related to Kros in some fashion. Some, however, disagree with this:


  • The saur-priests will tell you that our strength comes from Kroshik. Don’t listen to their religious talk.

  • Our strength comes from our claws, from our teeth, from our weapons. It comes from the filth that the filth-mongers gather and cultivate. It comes from us.

  • I don’t care whether we descended from some devilsaur in the sky or we were created by the mogu. All I care about is protecting this land from our enemies.

  • Saurok who worship Kroshik only do so because they are scared. They pretend we are all just little walking devilsaurs, proving our “strength” to gain the favor of an invisible, all-powerful devilsaur that lives in the sky. That is what they truly believe.

  • We are not devilsaurs. We are saurok. And when we die, there will be no eternal hunt, no promised paradise, no punishment for the weak, and no Kros. We will be eaten, and our remains thrown into the filth-pool. And that is all. I have seen it.

  • You know what I think? <Tomma glances quickly behind him.> The saur-priests are as filled with filth as the village itself.

  • Their Kroshik-worship makes them weak. They preach strength, but do they hunt? Do they kill? Do they roll in the decaying remains of their fallen brothers? No. They hide in their caves and talk. If they were truly strong, they would be out here fighting with us.

  • We were created by the mogu. There is no reason not to believe it. Anybody who denies it is ignorant, or living in fantasy.

  • I refuse to pretend I am a devilsaur. I know what I am. I know where my strength comes from.

Seems like some Saurok recognize they were created from the Mogu while others decide that they descended from Kros.

It’s interesting to see such a divide in what most people just view as primitive. If this tribe is capable of free thought, then surely there would be other tribes somewhere that have their own views and culture somewhere.

Of course, the Skumblade Tribe wouldn’t be the tribe that would ever be playable, unless some serious reorganization and anger management classes occur (Horde are friends, not food etc etc), but it is neat to see some form of philosophy from the Saurok in general.

I’m likely going to sound like a broken record in this thread, in that for Saurok to be playable, it would require a tribe that left Pandaria and made their own civilization elsewhere with a different and possibly little more advanced culture from other Saurok, and that they would need to be in a situation where they would be open to helping or being helped by the Horde in some fashion that would lead to them joining.

Still, it is an uphill battle for them regardless. I’ll be doing some research and posting it, along with my thoughts, as I find out more stuff. Hopefully as the thread continues, we can brainstorm more and more ideas to discuss. ^^


What do you think about Saberon? They’re very cute for me.

Anyway, you have my support, If Ogre, Vulpera, Sethrak, Queldorei, Wildhammer, Sanlayn, Saberon/Saurok are playable I will be very happy xD


Saberon are a neat race. I know a lot of people ask for them, and I wouldn’t mind seeing them, myself.

Currently, the races I particularly want, that would make me very happy, are Ogres, Vulpera, San’layn, and Saurok for the Horde. I haven’t really thought about what races I particularly want on the Alliance, but I am generally open minded in that regard. I’ll have to give that some thought to give a more precise answer.

Ogres are my most wanted race. You can likely tell from the stuff I type up for the Ogre Megathread. ^^