The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Ah good. I found the section they added to the MU Stonemaul Clan page on Wowpedia:

“After the Fourth War, Zekhan reported that the Stonemauls are doing well, even growing their holdings into Feralas at Stonemaul Hold” - Page 146

This makes me really happy to have SOMETHING about the MU Stonemaul Clan.

I’ll have to get the book to see if anything else is said, but I’m guessing that they got their home back and I can only assume Tharg became leader. Maybe if that revamped old world rumor becomes true, we can see both the MU Stonemaul home and the Stonemaul Hold expanded in game.

I did check the AU Stonemaul and Dunemaul Clan pages on Wowpedia. Nothing has been updated for them, so it is possible nothing is said about either. At least it seems like the MU Stonemaul Clan got a mention, though!

Speaking of Wowpedia, I did notice a part underneath the Exploring Kalimdor page under inconsistencies, some parts of it I’ll talk about after the link:

“The book mentions Thrall sending Rexxar to visit the Stonemaul clan in Dustwallow Marsh. In Old Hatreds, it was just Crol’ka who came to find help from Vol’jin and Rexxar, with the mok’nathal agreeing to aid in his problem with Kor’gall and simply seizing the opportunity to have the ogres help in the fight against Admiral Proudmoore”

A few things to note:

“Old Hatreds” is the name of one of the chapters in the Warcraft 3 Rexxar campaign.

Crol’ka is the two-headed Ogre that ran while injured to the Horde for help for the MU Stonemaul Clan:

He isn’t in-game at all and got his name when Warcraft 3 Reforged came out, I think. I’ve made a post on him before and think he should be in-game as a MU Stonemaul Clan hero. If Tharg can’t become leader, due to his age and injuries mentioned in game, I think this Ogre would be great to become leader. I’ll talk about him again in a future post. :smiley:

If you haven’t already, please feel free to visit my Saurok megathread here:

Always happy to see fellow Ogre and Lizardmen fans! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

Thinking about two-headed customization, I’m wondering if it is possible.

Just speculating here, but looking at how character creation customization areas are on a model, I’m wondering if it might be possible to just create another area, set it as another head, and have all the customizations for it apply to it. You’d just need to be able to code it where helmets would affect both heads with the option of both heads being able to have their own transmogs, and I wonder if it could work using that line of thinking.

Still something that would be a pain to code, I’m sure, but it would be really big news if it was done and a first in MMO’s in general to my knowledge.

Yeah, I don’t like how they treated customization races like Wildhammer. For a race that has had importance to the Alliance since the early RTS game days and how one of them has a statue outside of Stormwind, they deserve better than to have Bronzebeards LARPing and cosplaying as them.

If customization races are going to be a thing, they need their own identity and in-game presence. Not something you slap options to a core race, not address them, and forget about them.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: