Welcome to the Kelfin Allied Race Megathread!
{Once I reach a high enough level to post pictures, I will update this post again with some graphics!}
The purpose of this post and thread is to voice our support for our friendly Unshackled Kelfins of Nazjatar to become playable in the game. If you have any suggestions for them or would simply like to voice your support, please comment below! Perhaps one day it will come true.
Here is the link or a concept art by a fan that I really love
ht tps :
// imgur (dot) com/ gallery/ 6DwDh6f
In a world with unlimited time and resources, sure. But in a world where such additions need to be prioritized… they certainly don’t rank highly on my list.
if blizz made earthen which i personally never asked for to be playable as Horde, Imma fight for playable Kelfin.
By all means! Everyone has their personal tastes. 
can you link the pictures i posted into your first reply? LOL
is this going to be a neutral race? or a horde race?
The Horde got their Dwarves in Warthin. We are going to get your Kelfins TYSM.
I honestly believe Gilgoblins were going to be an Allied race in BFA. But were swapped for Vulpera. They were introduced at the same time as Mechagnomes, they made female Gilgoblins, they added the Unshackled to Ogrimarr Harbor (probably where you were going to arrive at), you could swap the Vulpera for Gilgonlins and the recruitment questline would actually make more sense (one quest had you fighting Naga after all).
My theory is that the allied races were going to be Gilgoblins/Mechagnomes and then Vulpera/Mogu. But BFA was rushed before they could finish the Mogu.
owh I love your theory! That’s pretty much very believable TBH!
Given we got Dwarf neutral race in Warthin, I think we can make Kelfin as a neutral race for both, begrudgingly.
Who would want to play as a fish goblin? People already not vibing with earthen and dwarves are actually cool.
Oh, how I would love to play as a Mogu.
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Gilgoblins would be an aquatic race, which would be fairly unique.
I feel that we can get an extensive library of customization for Gilgoblin, just in terms of their fins, scales, patterns, and maybe even snout. Maybe we can get hammerhead gilgoblin or catfish gilgoblin etc.
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The Kelfin would be a lovely addition to the Horde!
One of my more desired races and there is no way they’d work as just customizations. They need to be their own AR.
we will be giving the Horde our earthen dwarves. It’s time to take one of their short races and give it to the Alliance. I would say it is a fair trade that the horde get rocky dwarves and we get fishy goblins.
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I see Kelfin have a new megathread, which is great since the OP of the original megathread stopped playing WoW some time ago.
Kelfin are up there in my wanted races as well. I’ve grumbled a lot about how they seemed to be planned as one (to be clear, I also wanted Vulpera which I’m very happy we got), only to be left hanging on the shores of Durotar since the end of BfA. Just standing there, getting to see adventurers go off on adventures and riding dragons and such.
Not to mention that Azshara is still out there, up to no good. I’m sure we’ll have to deal with her shenanigans sooner or later as well. Thus, I keep feeling like it would be a matter of time before they would officially join the Horde, as there is a lot of mutual benefits of the Unshackled in general joining the Horde.
I was originally worried that the Kelfin might end up as a Customization Race before, where they would likely just become cosplaying Goblins who could drown in a raindrop on the ground. However, seeing as the Allied Race system is being utilized, my hopes of seeing them as a full race have gone up again, and I feel that it’s important to have discussions and share ideas on them again.
While I view the Kelfin as a Horde race, I don’t know if they would end up being written as neutral to save development costs. I’m sure something could be written for them to have friendly relations with the Alliance. However, I still think they would be best paired with Ankoan on the Alliance, since they also would have some beef with Azshara should she make a return to mustache-twirling antics. Horde Kelfin and Alliance Ankoan would work very well in such a storyline, and hopefully that is what would happen.
I’ll be making some more posts in the future. But hey, in the mean time…
Gotta keep the dream alive for Kelfin as a Horde allied race!

I’ve loved the idea of Kelfin since seeing it’s initial thread, the fan concepts looked great!
It felt like they started paving the way for Kelfin to become an allied race with their leaders just hanging out on the shores of Durotar, but then scrapped it or forgot about it. I really hope they revisit the idea because having a water/shark themed race sounds really interesting. I love Goblins already so I still hold out some hope that Blizzard will take another look at them.
Those glow in the dark features in some of that fan art was
, would love to see it in-game.
Oh, I didn’t know about that 
I hope they make a return to WoW if we get playable Kelfins.