Why not both? Playable Ogres and Saurok on the Horde are my most wanted races, and it would make my day to see them as playable Horde races!
If you’re interested in playable Horde Saurok, I do operate the Saurok megathread here:
Yes! The Horde has three clans within their ranks:
The MU Stonemaul Clan have been part of it since Warcraft 3.
The AU Stonemaul Clan came from AU Draenor at the end of the Mag’gar unlock scenario when we escaped Yrel and the Lightbound.
The Dunemaul Clan was technically recruited by Megs Dreadshredder during Cataclysm.
Which makes their absence during BfA, a huge war with the Alliance, baffling and frustrating. Would’ve been a perfect time to make them a playable Horde race. Especially since the MU Stonemaul Clan played a huge part in attacking Theramore and Jaina’s father in Warcraft 3. -o -
Also for those wanting playable Horde Ogres, you might be interested in checking out the Stonemaul Ogre Megathread here:
Dream big, Ogre fans!