Lizard Entertainment

You can find the picture here:

I love it personally but I can’t deny it’s had a… distracting effect on the thread lol


Hmm. That might be a great concept since we’re dealing with anima in Shadowlands. :thinking:

well great now that the pic is different im gonna look like a perv commenting on non existent boobs

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Welcome to the club. We meet Saturday nights.

That’s proof you’re living your best life! :smiley:

There is a whole thread for this!


They’re lizard PEOPLE, not actual lizards. Is it that hard to fathom that they’re human-like beyond the bipedal pose?

Ooh plus Therazane is based on the Venus of Willendorf, which I think is really clever.


I wouldn’t want a scalie to feel deprived though I can’t say they’re anything I’d enjoy, by the large I’ve tried them in other games and just never caught me. In EQ2 I played an Iksar which were decent enough but in Elder Scrolls Argonians felt “meh”. The Sarnak are a potential race for wow, very similar to Arakkoa can’t link any pics since I’ll never be R3 but feel free to google em.

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For the same reason worgen and vulpera only have 2, and tauren don’t have udders.

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Because they lack imagination? :smiley:

God am I thankful that’s not a thing… people think vulperan yiffers are bad just imagine that horror show lol.


The saurok are definitely cooler than the sethrak


I’m suddenly imagining a teaser trailer for a light-hearted expansion where it opens with “Blizzard Entertainment Presents” and after a dramatic pause, the “B” (then a z) falls off.


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Saurok are swimmy and sethrak aren’t :ocean:

Happy to see other people want Saurok as a playable race. I actually run the Saurok Megathread, as linked above, where we post ideas and discuss playable Saurok ideas as we support them for a playable Horde race.

WoW is very much lacking in the lizardman department, and lizardmen are my favorite fantasy race. I’ve always wanted Saurok as a playable Horde race since I first saw them, and hope that we’ll see a tribe of them as part of the Horde someday. It’s a dream of mine that would make my day if it came true.

Playable Saurok for the Horde is something I’ll always support! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Haha. No, I can’t stand the slow way the Sethrak speak and I think their models look ridiculous. The Saurok are visually more balanced to me.

I agree with Hotaruu.

Saurok have Samurai. Sethrak don’t have Samurai. Sethrak lose.

How poetic. But aren’t we all…?