Taunka Allied Race Megathread

Welcome to the Taunka Allied Race Megathread!

{Once I reach a high enough level to post pictures, I will update this post again with some graphics!}

The purpose of this post and thread is to voice our support for our friendly Taunka of Northrend to become playable in the game. If you have any suggestions for them or would simply like to voice your support, please comment below! Perhaps one day it will come true.

Below I have detailed some general information regarding the Taunka and some ideas I had for their playability.

Who are the Taunka?

The Taunka are a cousin race of the Tauren that inhabit the continent of Northrend. In Wrath of the Lich King the Horde discovered them and aided them in their defense against the Scourge, who destroyed most of their villages. In the process of it all, the Taunka pledged their loyalty to the Horde.

The description given by WoWpedia is below, for the full page please go to WoWpedia’s site(I cannot post links yet).

“The Taunka are an ancient offshoot of the yaungol and relatives to the tauren who have adapted to the harsh environment in Northrend. Unlike their more peaceful tauren relatives, the Taunka forcibly bend nature and the elements to their will to survive,”

Potential Arguments Against

But that is just another Tauren!

  • It is my honest opinion that the Taunka would be one of the most unique Allied Races to be added. They are different physically, culturally and more when you compare them to the Highmountain and Mulgore Tauren(No hate to them! I love them too).
  • From their general bison-like appearance (rather than the cattle-appearance of the previous two Tauren races), to their hardy and forceful attitudes, they are shown to be more than mere cousins of the Tauren. They bend the elements to THEIR will in order to survive. If they don’t take charge, they’ll die.

But the females just look like regular Tauren!

  • Yes, that is true. In Wrath they were given the appearance of regular female Taurens, and the males were simply given a mask over the base male Tauren model. This, to me, is just a sign of how things were done in the older expansions of WoW. We were lucky to get females at all for most races.
  • Ideally, when the Taunka are made playable they would make the Females match their male counterparts much better. They need to start of scratch making HD models for males anyhow, so mine as well create a female model as well.
  • In recent expansions we have seen the developers create unique female models for almost all races that have appeared, which could mean good news for the Taunka.

{Will add a wonderful fanart picture of a female Taunka once I am able to post pictures}

Taunka Characters?

Roanauk Icemist - As mentioned, he is High Chieftain of the Taunka Tribes. During Wrath he was captured by the scourge for a time before the champion rescued him; Afterward he would pledge himself and his people to the Horde. He would likely remain the racial leader and represent the Taunka on the Horde council.

Banthok Icemist - Son of Roanauk, he is the one who sent the champion to rescue his father during Wrath. He is a natural secondary character to see featured in Horde stories, and is the natural heir to his father if anything would happen to occur.

Greatmother Icemist - The wife of Roanauk and mother of Banthok, little is known of her, but if delved into she has the potential to be a unique character. We rarely see the wives or mothers of our heroes play a large part in the story; and the developers have rectified that in recent years. Give her a first name and let her stand beside Roanauk.

Toshe Chaosrender - It is unknown if Toshe is affiliated with Roanauk’s Taunka or the Horde, but he is a notable member of the Earthen Ring and could easily show up in neutral content. He previously battled in Vashj’ir.

Tormak the Scarred - Chieftain of Camp Oneqwah Taunka, he joined the Horde alongside his High Chieftain. He later journeyed to alternate Draenor; one of the few Taunka to appear after Wrath. I would love to see these different chiefdoms elaborated upon and made unique within themselves, as we have seen with the various Highmountain tribes.

Chieftain Ashtotem - The Chieftain of Camp Winterhoof, it is noted that he has little interest in friends beyond the Horde. Like I mentioned with Tormak, it would be great to see Ashtotem developed into his own person alongside his own tribe; who are they? What are they about?

Akiak - A Taunka from Camp Taunka’le, he befriended Trag Highmountain; who helped him defend his village. Akiak’s mate, Buniq, was killed by a Magnataur. A lower-tier character such as Akiak would be ideal to showcase in faction stories on the frontlines.

Other Chieftains - Many chieftains and villages were lost to the scourge over the years. Were their tribes wiped out and/or absorbed into others? Did new Chieftains rise and lead their scattered people to new homes? It would be interesting to see what happened to these other villages/tribes such as Taunka’le Village and Tunka’lo.

What Faction, Racial Leader and Capital?

The Horde - This is kind of straight forward as the Taunka have been members of the Horde since Wrath of the Lich King, longer than most of the playable races for that matter. It wouldn’t make sense for them to be anything else.

Roanauk Icemist - He is already the Taunka High Chieftain, which is the same title as Mayla and Baine have. He has been the racial leader since before we met them in Wrath until now.

Newly Built Capital - We learn in the novel Exploring Azeroth: Northrend that the Taunka have decided not to go back to their former central village, Icemist Village, due to the tragedies that have occured there. It would make sense to see the Taunka start to rebuild a new main village in another locale.

Recruitment Quest Ideas

Taunka do not require a great elaborate story to induct them into the faction as other races, they are very similar to the Dark Iron Dwarves in that regard. The purpose of the Dark Iron questline was to officially induct them into the Alliance because it never happened in the past.

The questline could involve formally inviting the Taunka to sit on the Horde council alongside other races, with some reason given for why they haven’t been before. The champion could journey to Northrend to help start the process of building a new city; help them gather supplies, quell any dangers and so forth.

I personally would love to see a tauren character to journey with the champion, whether that is Baine, Mayla or a secondary character such as Aponi or Lasan.

Once we aid them starting to build their new village, we would travel back to Orgrimmar alongside Roanauk Icemist and whoever may have come to Northrend with us. The rest of the council would be in their chambers when we arrive; a new seat in the circle for Roanauk or whomever he may have represent him on the council.

It is simple concept, but as mentioned, bringing the Taunka into the Horde is not overly complicated given their membership in the faction already.

If you have other ideas; feel free to comment them!

Class Ideas

Warrior - Every race has access to warriors; Taunka would be no different. Every society needs basic soldiers to defend against their enemies, particularly the Taunka who have frequent assaults from the scourge.

Hunter - Another class available to all races, Taunka no doubt have countless hunters among their ranks. They would need some to defend themselves and hunt for meat and other resources.

Shaman - A class that the Taunka have active lore involving. Compared to their brethren in the Broken Isles and Kalimdor, the Taunka are a lot more forceful with the elements because the harsh elements in Northrend can be more dangerous. They are known to bend the elements to their will, not dissimilar to Dark Shaman. When a dev was asked if Taunka were considered Dark Shaman, they stated “Taunka are Taunka,”

Monk - One of the new classes available to all races, Taunka have no reason not to be Monks. They have been connected with the larger world for many years; particularly the Horde which has their own monks, who no doubt trained some Taunka.

Mage - Another class available to all races, it seems unlikely that Taunka will be excluded if they are added as a playable race. While it doesn’t seem natural for them; they have many sources to be trained as one after joining the Horde.

Priest - One of the newer classes available to all races, Taunka would be no different if added. Odds are in terms of story, the Taunka would have learned the ways of the Seer with their interactions with Kalimdor Tauren over the years.

Rogue - A class available to all and requires little elaboration lore-wise. Every race has their sneaky sorts. While I don’t expect any new lore for this combo; it would be cool if there was a Taunka rogue organization who sneaks around the Tundra, blending into the snow and so on.

Warlock - The latest class made available to all races. Taunka are already more aggressive and willing to bend the rules than their Tauren kin, so them delving into the dark magics for a greater purpose fits them fine.

Druid - This class has little lore basis for me to elaborate upon; we just know at some point they have learned druidism. We see Taunka druids serve in the Kor’kron during Wrath. I think this could be a chance to make a tauren-related race not tied to the Kaldorei or Cenarion Circle. They did not have contact with such to learn druidism before Wrath, though it is possible they learned quickly during the story.

Somewhat Likely
Death Knight - There is no reason that any race that was actively on Azeroth throughout the last several years in the story would not be able to be Death Knights. Taunka have been around long enough to be in the Wrath-era Death Knight raisings, Legion and BfA-era ones. Game-wise, they could easily be added to the Allied Race(and Pandaren) DK starting area retroactively and have no issues.

Paladin - While nothing in the lore supports such a class for them explicitly, with the new movement to add all classes to all races, it seems likely that paladins will be added to Taunka if they were made playable. They would likely have learned the ways of the Sunwalker by the Tauren of Kalimdor.

Demon Hunter - There is no lore supporting many races as demon hunters, including Taunka. It is not impossible, but until more lore is given and a new starting zone for new demon hunters, it is unlikely more will be added.

Evoker - They are a special class only available for the Dracthyr and will never become available to other races.

Potential Mount(s)

Hairy Kodo - Kodos have been seen as their racial mount in Wrath, but I feel like they should specifically be the furred versions due to the climate. We already have the HD models for them, just add some Taunka themed gear to it and we are good!

Vicious Kodo - I know, it isn’t entirely unique since the Tauren have one, but the theme would ultimately be entirely different due to the climate of the Taunka. I am imaging a lot of furs and hides. More leathery instead of flaming wood and so on.

Hunter Pet Possibilities

Shoveltusk - Native to an area where one of the Taunka villages are located, I believe this is a very unique animal that would suit being a starting hunter pet.

Caribou/Elk - One of the most widespread animals that are around the Taunka villages, it also would be a reasonable option.

Druid Form Ideas

Travel Form - Elk or Caribou, similar to what I stated for the hunter pet, they are very numerous and would make sense if Taunka druids would take their form.

Guardian Form - The woolly rhinos of Northrend would be an ideal fit for Taunka guardians, if they can make it work with the skeleton of a bear.

Feral Form - No feline animal stood out to me while I was perusing options; but thematically a sort of snow leopard would work for the Taunka.

Balance Form - Odds are the balance form will be a traditional boomkin with a unique aspect to make it more “Taunka”, such as a pair of distinct horns.


Not gonna lie. I was silently hoping Taunka would be playable in BfA. The only issue is that the females don’t have a unique model like the males do - but that’s easily fixable.


While I would love to see it, I don’t think Blizz really cares about Tauren enough to give us more than Mulgore and Highmountain.

I bet we get 2 more elf races before another Tauren offshoot.


While I understand the skepticism , I think Taunka are inevitable, as are Ogres and other races already in each faction.

This isn’t simply a reskin, they are so much more as I explain above.


We have two cow races and neither is particularly popular. I see no point in adding a third.


It’s cool to see another race request megathread pop up. I hope you find success!

I’m for Taunka, myself. They joined the Horde officially in WotLK, and we haven’t really seen or heard from them since then. I’d be perfectly fine seeing them as a playable race. They’re full members of the Horde and should not be forgotten. :ox:

I wish you luck with the megathread. Much love from the Saurok and Stonemaul Ogre megathreads! :meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The Taunka definitely deserve to be playable but I really see them working best as a customization rather than an allied race, personally.


An obvious pairing would’ve been Taunka/Frostborn for this xpac… The reasoning being both the Horde and Alliance send immediate reinforcements to Icecrown.


I’d love to roll a Taunka death knight.


I’m completely on board with this. They’ve been part of the Horde since the beginning of Wrath. They honestly should have been one of the first ARs for the Horde!

edit: on second thought, lets have the Tauren and High Mountain split off from the Horde, the Taunka go with them, and a sect of less aggressive Yaungol petition Baine to join this new faction. All bovine, all the time!


If your pictures are links, you can surround the links with ` (the key next to 1) so that people can copy paste them to see the pictures.

Like this: www.whereveryourimageis.url

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The problem with Taunka is the graphics. There is no female Taunka model, and the male one never got past the placeholder graphics stage. It’s only one step up from those disposable halloween masks our characters can wear.

YES! Taunka at last!

I support this thread.

Even if they don’t end up adding Taunka one day I still hope they fix that issue.

I like you…

They are mentioned here and there in Cata. They taught Garrosh’s shaman to use Dark shamanism.

I think given that they have more changes in their culture than normal Tauren have with Highmountain they should be an AR.



Bring me the Frostborn!

Eh, not really insurmountable as far as obstacles go.

You’d expect that sort of work anyways when turning a race playable.


Right, just look at the fantastic job they did with playable Nightborne.

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Eh, maybe as a customization, but I don’t feel like HM tauren stand out from the baseline tauren as-is other than their moose horns, and this just sounds like an even more limited version of it. They just sound like angrier tauren, and the proposed classes sound incredibly disappointing, but I could just be biased about that. Given that everyone holds up class restrictions as the symbol for what best represents a race’s culture, offering them nothing that the other two don’t already bring doesn’t sound great. :confused:

Only the Nightborne suffer so… you discount the entirety of the rest of the AR’s. Yours in particular came out very nicely.

Not insurmountable.

The Vulpera player model is just the Vulpera NPC model.

Is there an example of Blizzard dramatically improving on the NPC model to make the playable allied race version? I can’t think of one. Maybe Dark Irons? I never really looked at a Dark Iron NPC closely.



It also could be argued that while the Vulpera AR was copied from the NPCs, Blizz put a TON of work into those NPCs so they could be copied to an AR. I remember Eevee’s posts about every new update to the models, how they moved and animations, physics updates, just for “NPCs.” So yeah Vulps were copied from the NPCs but those same NPCs had a ridiculous amount of work put into them. You’re not wrong about the Taunka though, they’d need a lot of work and all new female models to boot. They could turn out amazing like the Vulps or as bad as the Nightborne. With Blizz you never can tell what will happen haha.


All of them.

They all went through multiple documented changes from start to finish. Some from NPC models some less so.

Vulpera had entirely different tails at the start of the process.

Any race that is going to be made playable will undergo immense changes.

Worgen are the biggest change to date from NPC to player.