We’ve continued to see a heavy influx of conversations revolving around hero balance updates impacting Mercy from January 30th, 2018.
In an effort to consolidate feedback and create a consistent location for users to share their impressions or opinions, please use this thread. This is a continuation from the old topic on the old forums.
The speed bonus Guardian Angel receives when activating Valkyrie has been decreased by 50%Duration reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds
Developer Comments:Mercy’s recent Resurrect changes have helped in allowing enemies to have more counter play in dealing with her, but she was able to use Resurrect through Valkyrie enough to largely mitigate the impact of the previous changes. Additionally, we’re toning back the amount of mobility Valkyrie provides through Guardian Angel and reducing its duration to overall reduce the power of this ability.
We appreciate your feedback, as it will assist us and provide insight on improving your Overwatch experience.
It is good she got nerfed as she was WAY too strong, it had to be done, but I don’t believe these changes should be more than a temporary solution.
Valkyrie just doesn’t feel like an ult. Resurrect feels horrible to use.
I do love her movement changes though. If a revert is ever done (yeah right) I hope they stay.
I remember an interesting suggestion from the old Feedback thread, which involved the removal of the slow on E cast without touching anything else. What do you think about it?
Quoting myself because I summed up my feelings about the update earlier today.
“I think a lot of people were using her as a jack-of-all-trades healer before, and now that she’s more of a single use healer (like the others) it’s very jarring to adjust to the new changes.”
She plays like a new hero, and since most people are used to the old playstyle of mercy, it’s extremely jarring and is making her much less enjoyable to play.
How about buffing alittle the flying speed of Valkyrie, and when focused on a person, he will be healed faster but at the cost of the others around the focused target’s healing that will be slow?
As somebody that doesn’t play Mercy, but has a lot of Mercy Mains as friends, I understand their frustrations when the say Mercy doesn’t feel fun to play anymore. Right now she almost seems like a heal bot, and I don’t think that is ideal when fun is factored in. So, if the devs every change her again, they should look into making her more fun to play without making her drastically OP like before.
They nerfed the speed of Valkyrie because it was making her hard to hit coupled with her fast health regen. So no, they won’t be boosting the flying speed. Unless they remove the fast health regen anyway.
Mercy ult is no fun. Yes I agree she is op before. But now… just answer me ,you like more ,SURRENDER TO MY WILL" and kill and heal or ,I WILL WATCH OVER YOU" and… fly away to the horizon?
I think she should have a LOS Burst Heal that immediately heals anyone in her sight to 100% HP. Almost like a Zen ult but without having to physically move towards teammates. Would be in line with her “Heroes never die!” quote, and would probably pacify the people angry about resurrection. There’s a reason why it’s not instant despite the long cool-down. This would be a neat ult in my opinion, works similar to her original but exchanges the act of resurrection with instead preventing death by that burst of instant health. Super useful, especially to tanks.
Edit: ClaritySoul added the idea of a cleanse and avoiding all CC for a short period of time. Or instead of a 100% health boost, 200% for a short period of time. I guess similar to how Lucio’s ult “increases” HP by adding shields.
Although I’m kind of glad that Mercy’s latest nerf isn’t too bad (I’m still rooting for team mass Rez tho) and that she’s an “okay” hero for now, her ult just seems so boring and unimpactful. Literally just an ability with a very long cooldown.
imho it would be so much better if they increased her healing from 60/HPS main beam to 80-90 HPS so that her ult would have a little bit more “umph” in it. It could help her sustain team fights better and would be stronger and more intimidating.
I dont’ play her anymore, so I can’t say too much… but the ult definitely seems underwhelming, especially when you consider she can rez outside of ult now.
When I use her ult, it does not even feel like an ultimate anymore. More like an ability. Atleast make her rez 2 people when she use her ult (like in previous update, im talking, you have 1 rez, but when you use your ultimate, you will get an additional rez), It just feels like her kit is ruined now.
I play mercy more than before the last nerf, i mostly moira main, and i dont know im ok with her ult were it is but yeah it will nice if it heals more of if it did powerup the damage a little at the same time so its more impactful but no never again insta rez… Never again
Actually, I kind of like that her 2 insta rez on ult is gone since that was the most annoying part playing against her. Before the nerf, I used to save my ultimate to resurrect two people the on team when we’re down 2 picks. Now, I can use it freely whether it be defensively, offensively or reactively. But it still feels underwhelming.
Mercy’s ult is fine, sure it feels a bit underwhelming but the fact that it granted an extra res was the what was making mercy annoying.
Think of it this way. It’s basically a two-in-one ultimate since it can heal like transcendence as well as damage amp which is exactly like Orisas supercharger.