How to Improve Mercy and Blatantly Disregarding Feedback and Silencing Others

Nice post summing everything up that’s wrong with mercy 2.0. I’ve stopped playing OW since the Mercy 2.0 patch because I liked Mercy with the Massrez but with Valkyre as ultimate I found her extremly boring to play.
But Blizzard won’t revert anything because the rework is a sucess right? Right?!


Really great post, I think you’ve summed it up well.

Now if only they listened, but they wont. Blizzard will never acknowledge the rework was a failure. Remember they were surprised players thought the Sombra’s “buffs” were actually nerfs, which they initially were.

One of the only ults that can be countered by good ult economy…

How so? He was complimenting a iteration of Mercy that was proven to be weaker than the current Mercy we have.

The rework made Mercy a must pick which is why him and most of us want Blizz to revert her. You can’t argue that Mercy pre-invul made Mercy a must pick…

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Completely false… Don’t chat about a topic you don’t know about please.

Nice post but they will ignore it like all the other good feedback. :frowning:

  1. I didn’t calling you stupid, learn to read before playing the victim role here, I said your comparison between Transcendence and OLD resurrect was stupid.

Do you even play the game? or this is some just some hardcore trolling?.

When in this forum or X streamer w.e people complained about Transcendence being a BROKEN ULT and needs a NERF? REALLY? this extreme famboyism toward Mercy is on another level.

OLD Resurrect DOESN’T UNDO DAMAGE, it brings back PEOPLE who actually is out of the game, and places them back with FULL HP and with a small invulnerability frame, with no CAST TIME, no LOS, no nothing, in fact even MERCY was completely INVULNERABLE while using resurrection so all your arguments like "WELL USE DOOMFIST CC!! 4HEAD " is completely invalid and the most ridiculous one.

And yeah because Reaper and Mcree can use their ult two times in less than 30 seconds, I mean this guy is saying REAPER and Mcree ults are GOOD in this game, do you even know that even Pros uses Mcree deadeye for reload instead of using it? then again , do you even play this game? I think not.

What’s next? “Well Bastion counters Ress too! learn to play! Wtf!?”

Yes she was, everyone were sick of dealing with her the whole game because, pros complained everyone complained about it, the Rework didn’t happen because Blizzard wanted to do it, it was killing the fun of the game.



Yeah because 90% of the player base who are tired of Mercy being a must pick for like a year are haters too right? seriously this why a lot of people avoid this forum , is nothing but some extreme fanboyism on Mercy.

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Yeah Blizzard reworked Mercy because

"Oh dear Mercy players, the lovely Mercy players! we reworked your hero because we thought your people were tired of "Heroes never die “POTG over and over and over and over and mass 5 ress people from behind walls !”

There goes all the validity of your arguments lol


“Everyone is wrong, except Mercy mains, we the one who made the Mercy mains a complete Meme are the ones who knows how to perfectly balance the game”.

but “you are wrong because … well lol”

See ya.

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Just ignore the troll. Not worth your time.

What is the difference between a Zenyatta Transcendence that can heal an entire team in a relatively big range and prevent death altogether by any normal ability or focusing, and also cancel the effectiveness of several ultimates… and a Mercy mass-rez?

What is the difference between a Lucio +500 shield (soon +750) that can prevent death by most high-burst ultimates… and a mercy mass-rez that simply undoes these ults?

The effective difference is nothing: team is still alive after the support ultimate is spent. In fact if you look at it from a DPS output perspective, mercy rez is weaker because her team had downtime during which they were dead and could not do anything.
In the case of Zen Trancendence and Lucio Sound Barrier, the Zen’s/Lucio’s team can still do damage and get picks while under the influence of the ult, resulting in those support ults giving a definite advantage while mercy rez simply puts people at normal health back on the field.

During that downtime during which an enemy team is dead, the support has a few seconds to top up their whole team again. Team has time to reload. Team has time to regroup and reposition. Those few seconds before enemy Mercy manages to swoop in and resurrect are crucial and give the team plenty of opportunity to deal with a resurrected enemy team.

And if the mercy rez absolutely failed and the whole team died again (which happened a lot as well), it means you’re now at an ult disadvantage which may cost you the match. Because you spent 1 ult, and in turn you gave the enemy more ult charge for wrecking you again.

There have been tons of ideas to make mass-resurrect a viable, balanced ultimate. I think most, if not all of them, are viable alternatives to this Mercy iteration.

Those who say that Mercy rez has no place in Overwatch, likely are also the kind of people who would rather have no healers at all in the game. Because they want frags. They don’t care about objective-based gameplay that much. They don’t care about tactical decision making. It’s that it’s required to stay on an arbitrary payload or an objective, but otherwise it’s all about brainless killing. And this killing should be as easy as possible, otherwise it’s “unfun”.


Lol, I’m done with this discussion. You’re talking so much about Mercy when you don’t even know why she got reworked.


Great post! This covers everything needed that is Mercy players want. We’re tired of being ignored and having our threads constantly locked by community manegers. I hope that Mercy gets the changes that she really needs and that no other hero’s go through what Mercy is going through


What I still find extremely frustrating about the silence regarding Mercy is the devs’ seeming inability or just disregard for the fact that as a hero, Mercy no longer has that ‘moment of glory’ that most other heroes have. That amazing Shatter, the Transcendence that can save the team from a Grav Combo or the perfectly executed Death Blossom. These are all moments that players can recognize when they happen, and they feel great to pull off, and even if it doesn’t feel great to be on the other end of it, usually one recognizes the play itself.

Right now Mercy just…doesn’t have that. Say what you will, but Mass Resurrect provided a clear and tangible ‘Moment of Glory’ where the Mercy player, their team and even the enemy would have to stop and go: “Yeah okay, that was a good one” (in theory, anyway). Valkyrie just…doesn’t give that, and I really wish the devs would understand that, in spite of the numbers, or perceived power, Valkyrie doesn’t feel great or impactful to use. It automates Mercy’s standard kit, and removed decision-making in the form of healing prioritization, but it doesn’t feel heroic or impactful to use, after 11 nerfs. Personally I never did find it great, because the excitement was in how it changed Mercy’s other abilities, namely Resurrect, but now that it doesn’t it simply feels like popping an autopilot.

I personally do still feel like Mass Resurrect would be the better Ultimate for Mercy, if it was iterated on, but I think one of the absolute key reasons so many Mercy players come here, expressing their disdain for this current Mercy, nerfs aside, is because she does not have that crucial ‘Moment of Glory’ that other heroes do. Whether it’s an iterative form of Mass Resurrect or something new altogether, doesn’t necessarily matter as much as getting that tangible and visible feeling of having Mercy’s Ultimate feel like it matters back. And Valkyrie does not provide that, at all.


it can fit my dude, just not as a cooldown ability

lmao i feel this, everytime i ult i just panic that id somehow mess up more than help out my team. 15 secs of “who the hell is that one person too far for my beam to reach. oh boi, i need to stop damage boosting, someone’s low. oh shet so many ults i need to take cove- oke im ded and i did nothing naisuu” ofc i can do a good ult by pushing or saving some people but the fact that it’s literally mercy but “amped up” now makes me think her ult truly isnt as glorifying as others :< always thought her ult now is sort of underwhelming but realize it even more now lmao. JEEZ, REZ IS MORE IMPACTFUL AND ITS A CD ABILITY IWGHIEOSPHHK



PogChamp, bumping this post Pog Pog Pog

I love this post so much, but it hurts my heart that Blizzard is never going to admit that they’re failed

24679 replies on the official Mercy rework feedback threads that they said they were “reading daily”.

The reply they ended up giving was “Mercy doesn’t need changes” - in another random thread.