Mercy is fun btw

also these are just my opinions!!!

oh no people are commenting on this monkaS
if youre having no fun as mercy thats fine!! im just saying that im having fun :slight_smile:

I’m having fun as Mercy, no joke.
She is balanced.
I think the only people who want Mercy buffed are people who dropped cause they can’t play an overpowered hero now. :slight_smile: (not true but i think LUL but think about all the mercy mains who dropped a lot of sr after mercy nerf)

Am i the only Mercy player who feels like this?

I didn’t like mass rez at all.

pointless thread eks dee

Also Valk is good and fun to use when going to a fight/defending a fight :slight_smile:


41 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018