Mercy’s had multiple megathreads.
Hi everyone,
We’ve continued to see a heavy influx of conversations revolving around hero balance updates impacting Mercy from January 30th, 2018.
In an effort to consolidate feedback and create a consistent location for users to share their impressions or opinions, please use this thread. This is a continuation from the old topic on the old forums.
No longer makes Resurrect instant
No longer grants a bonus Resurrect charge
The speed bonus Guardian Angel receives whe…
Good day all,
Since the balance updates that hit live January 30th, 2018, discussion around the current state of Mercy has continued to be a major subject within the community.
This is a continuation from the previous topic on the forums that is approaching its maximum post cap. Please continue sharing your impressions and opinions in this thread.
No longer makes Resurrect instant
No longer grants a bonus Resurrect charge
The speed bonus Guardian Angel receives when …
Not putting everything in a megathread is nicer than having one for the people that play the character when it’s a controversial issue as at least you can actually manage to have a discussion with other people when you aren’t in a big megathread.
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