Mercy Fix: High Skill Rez (without the drawbacks)

The problem with the original AoE Ult resurrect, and even the later non-ult single-resurrect iterations, is that it takes little skill to make a major reversal of moment.

But now we face an iconic ability (and character) in the game being nerfed into oblivion.

Can the problems with the original rez be fixed? Yes, and Valkyrie is the key.

The following solution will give us back a Mercy with iconic Resurrect ability, but it will take enough skill/be difficult enough to pull of big resurrections, that it will not longer be unbalancing or a cheap momentum reversal. Nor will it be good for Mercy to hide waiting for team to die.

Here is the fix:

  1. During Valkyrie, Mercy can “collect” souls. This may even slow her down, or pause her motion briefly. She’ll get a particle animation indicating collected souls.

  2. Mercy can collect multiple souls. But darting from soul to soul picking them up will be risky and take skill.

  3. Mercy can end Valkyrie and resurrect the souls she is carrying with a second ‘Q’ press. The souls resurrect near her instead of where they died.

Thematically, this fits in perfectly with Valkyrie mythology, carrying off souls from the battle field.

It should be difficult enough to pull off big rez’s, with a fair chance for other team to kill the mercy, that big momentum-reversing resurrections will be skillfully earned, and getting one or two rez’s during Valkyrie is a reasonable payoff for an Ult ability.

This also opens up Mercy’s [E] for another ability.

[EDIT: Balance Trade-off discussion below]

Current Mercy: Valkyrie Ult + Rez every 30 seconds

Proposed Mercy: Valkyrie Ult includes possible Multi-Rez that is difficult and ends Valkyrie early.

I actually think this would be a bit of a nerf from current Mercy. Most of the time here she would only get 1 or 2 rez’s during a Valkyrie.

Ergo, I think she would also needs a new [E].


59 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018