What about the tons of negative feedback on the Mercy thread that you guys did after lock down ALL the other ones. What about the community feedback part of the balance triangule? Or only matters when the feedback comes from the Pros? It’s impossible that you guys can’t see how bad her current gameplay is and how uninpactful she is in OW right now. Her pick rate only still high because of people who love the character and her great heal potential, but this shoudn’t be the only reasons to pick her. What about her moment to shine in the match? Bring back our hero Blizzard, please.
There is a video that resumes all the contradiction since the rework announcement until the nerfs start. Search for “Everything wrong with Mercy” in the youtube, it’s a video by Aria Rose.
Moderation Note:Hey all! To help keep all of the Mercy feedback organized and easy to find, please add your thoughts to our current thread here.
Thank you!
I do not know if i can say its bad from a personal stand point.
But i can say i do not like mercy now or before her rework. i feel that the way her kit plays is just not good for me and i will never play her until things are better utilized in her kit.
For example: a new primary way of healing/buffing and changing the flight mechanic all around.
Those two things are the only reason i will not play her, they just do not feel good at all.
See. That’s the problem! It’s not only about pick rate, dude. What about the fun? She’s only picked because she’s a good heal/boost bot right now. Her ultimate e rez donsn’t have any significant impact righ now.
I play rein he isn’t fun especially right now. I play Lucio he isn’t fun right now. Sombra makes both their life’s hell and Moira is a pain to Lucio. Ana isn’t fun to play when a majority of games are dive and it destroys her. Winston, dva, roadhog are getting less and less playable by the second. Tanks are suffering way more then mercy is.
Correction, this is alright to make a comparison for a point.
If someone made a thread about tanks like this i would be talking there as well, but we are comparing how the so called “nerfs” on Mercy compare to the need of tanks and other heroes are stuggling more so.
That is because Blizzard has more pressing concerns with other more pressing issues.
If the data and Devs are seeing things are stable right now for her then they are waiting to do something when they need to, not when there is no reason to touch something that is not broken
Comparing Mercy to other characters does not answer OP’s question. OP asked why we aren’t getting any feedback.
Other heroes needing more attention means that mercy is put on the back burner. This does not equal feedback.
The devs haven’t even said that they aren’t looking at her, therefore the argument of “more heroes need attention right now” is only a guess. Yes it’s true, but still doesn’t answer the question.
If you look at how many times the “Mercy Issues” have been brought up since the rework, you will understand that the Devs are sick of telling people they have no plans or are not looking into changing anything with her right now.
I have assumed they are looking into more pressing issues then her, because when it all comes down to it, you will see they are when updates on other champions come out.
It is that simple, the answer to all of this is the Devs and the Data for mercy says she is stable. period. that is all you need to know on why there is not feedback
It’s a guess until otherwise confirmed by a developer.
You mean the whole once when they said
”We have no plans to revert Mercy. We think she’s in a good place but we are waiting for the dust to settle.”
You need to remember that Mass Rez was stable. It was a balanced ultimate but it was unfun to play against, so it was removed.
If she can be reworked because she’s unfun to play against, surely she can be reworked because she’s unfun to play as? (I know fun is subjective, so don’t start telling me “some people like current Mercy”)
Besides, calling her unfun to play against is suggesting that she can be fun to play against. Is any hero fun to play against? McCree’s flash isn’t fun, neither is Sombra’s hack but these aren’t getting removed or reworked. In fact, they buffed her hack. Albeit a bit too much.
Mass Rez was imbalanced from the start, more people complained about it the praised it, because everyone was tired of killing an entire team pretty much to have them all rezd by a Mercy, hence why the rework happend.
The whole one time they said they were not touching Mercy is enough for me to Never ask for feedback on her until they were ready to give feedback.
The problem with you is that you need to understand, that when Blizzard is ready to do something with Mercy again they will let the community know.
Until that time comes, Blizzard is going to start ignoring the pleas for feedback when all those that are begging/asking/demanding it of them for Mercy are just acting like chidren at this point.
Here is a clearly solution to get what you want for feedback. STOP ASKING FOR IT ALL THE TIME. Stop playing Mercy for an entire season and see how the data becomes less stable for them with less to go on, meaning they will need to start looking into it.
I really hope i dumbed this down enough for you, because thinking you are entitled to know everything about something you asked is out of the question.