Ideas for Mercy (Not a complain thread)

I don’t have that much of a problem with Mercy’s nerfs. I actually feel like this brought her down to the level of the other supports. I do have an idea on how the overwatch team could handle her.

A lot of complaints came from her Rez and it’s understandable. I think instead of having Rez in general you should build mercy based on the thing she should be known for: THE BEST SINGLE TARGET HEAL IN THE GAME.

  • Remove Rez entirely.

This would also get rid of a lot of complaints about Rez and to justify removing Rez here is an idea for a replacement ability.

  • Burst Heal/Damage Boost

When Mercy is locked onto a target with her beam have her ‘e’ ability be a burst of energy. (Something like a orb coming out of her staff, following the beam path) Once it hits the target it will do an insane amount of single burst heal or damage boost. (The damage boost could be for like half a second or a second)

Example let’s say Rein is at 50 hp and Mercy just got to the battle. Instead of having rez which is meant to keep battles going by bringing back dead heroes have this new ability be a death prevention. She locks onto the 50 hp rein and uses her ability. After it hits say Rein goes up to 350 hp in that instant. This would help mercy a lot too with healing DPS since they enjoy moving around it’s not ideal to stand and wait to be healed all the way from 10 hp or so even if it isn’t that long of a wait but imagine this single burst heal bringing them immediately to full HP. The burst itself could do about 200-250 HP heal?

This is just me spit balling ideas but I feel like something like this could very well make mercy a FUN hero.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018