Just tried new Mercy. Don't get the hate

Not sure why everyone is hatin on the new Mercy. After not touching her for 4 seasons I decided to give it a go for a few games and see what all the hate was about.

I had a lot of fun. The cast time on rez wasn’t a huge problem. Sure nobody let me get away with a rez at the front of a team fight. But I was able to use the rez when someone died to long range damage before the big battle (junk grenade/widow snipe, etc…) This SAVED US THE GAME on defense.

Her ult was kind of meh on defense (won’t stop your team dieing to ults), but on attack or control point it felt godlike to keep the whole team topped off to move the payload or recapture a point. It felt lacking when the enemies were dropping ults, but then again, they were basically forced to pop ults just to deal with my team all being healed for 15 seconds. It still seems like it charges fast, so it seems like a great tool to initiate a fight, but is definitely not as good as Transcendence.

I had to learn that new trick where you jump during the float to a team mate what you call it. Without any practice it was easy and intuitive to stay mobile and dodge stuff, sometimes catapulting myself to safe location with fast cover or higher elevation.

Overall, solid character, 8/10, would play again. And yeah, she is a bodacious waifu with an accent that melts your soul.


27 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018