So we are ignoring mercy then?

So after over 10,000 posts on the matter, OWL gameplay that proves Valkyrie has no impact on fights, math that shows it’s on par with zens no cooldown ‘E’ ability, and hundreds of suggestions from actual mercy mains, we have gotten absolutely nothing from the dev team.

I expected better.

At the very least I’d like the dev team to tell us “yes we are looking at valk” or “nope sorry we think she’s ok”.

My post on the mega thread for reference, that will answer most of your “she’s fine /balanced now” comments / questions.



  • Owl players win more fights without valk than with.
  • Pick rates mean nothing when she’s one of 5 healers, and 3 main healers (1 of which is considered even weaker). She’s not one of 16 dps options.
  • Valk is exceptionally non impactful. Every other support ult outshines it.
  • Outside of valk she’s fine.

164 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018