Mercy Idea (another one...)

Hey guys, I’ve had an idea for some rework on Mercy and I would like to know what you guys think about this. So my main idea was to remove her Ressurection and revert the changes made to her ult… however, there would be changes in the ult. First the ult would be LoS and would have a small range, now the most important part: Mercy would have do hold R for some time to ressurect her teammates. But what does the “hold” mean?
The amount of time she holds Q, is proportional to the HP with which her teammates are revived. For example, if you click for 1 seconds they would be rez with 20% of their hp, 1.5 seconds = 40% HP, and so on, where 3 seconds would mean 100% HP. That way Mercy would have a high risk/high reward ulti that would make her a lot valuable and fun, and would prompt her to make fast choices on what to do in each moment according to the situation her team is in.

Feedback please?

12 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018