Mercy - Lack of Response is Unacceptable

Come on guys, its been months now. The mega thread (where all mercy posts go to die) reached thread limit and needed to be expanded, yet we still have NOTHING from you (Blizzard/devs) about how you’re going to fix the mess you made of mercy.

And yes, it is a mess.

I’ve tried being patient. I’ve tried being polite. I’ve tried demonstrating with math how her ultimate is weaker than every other ultimate in the game by far. I guess I have to be a little more blunt.

The latest round of nerfs were inexcusable. You don’t tweak a character by releasing her, hitting her HARD with a nerf (which she needed), then releasing 3 minor tweaks, and then finally hitting her even harder than the first nerf. That’s not how balance is supposed to work and you know it. She needed a minor tweak, you completely revamped her character. (She cannot res during valk, thats enough to be considered a revamp in my eyes).

Anyone who thinks shes ‘Balanced now’ doesn’t actually play her in comp at a high rank. Her ultimate ability is completely useless and has absolutely NO impact on a fight. I know this is a game that favors DPS players over support (It is, stop pretending it isn’t), but this is just too far.

Valk should at the very least grant a single instant-cast res. When over 60% of the ults in this game are capable of single handedly wiping a team, a single instant res is not uncalled for.
Healing should be augmented to compensate for the ridiculous number of nerfs you made to Res. You took an Ult, removed 80% of the utility it granted, and then gave us NOTHING in return. How is this considered acceptable? I get that 2 res’s was gamechanging (Actually I think it wasn’t, see the point about 60% of ults capable of team wipes), but to give us NOTHING in return to compensate for the removal of that part of Valkyrie is … well…i can’t understand how you let those nerfs go to live without something to compensate.

To say that 2 res’s is absurdly OP yet Junkrats tire is fine is laughable.

The impression you are giving is that you threw your hands up and said “Look, we don’t know how to fix this, so we’ll just make her super weak to make the dps/OWL players happy, and we’ll deal with it later.” I’m not saying thats what you did (Actually I guess I am), but thats the impression you are giving.

You’ve had 20,000 posts talking in great detail about how this has impacted her, and have ignored it.

Want some suggestions beyond more res’s? Here ya go…

Suggested healing buff:
Mercy’s target receives 50% more healing, chain heals do 25% less healing, meaning instead of all players getting 60hps, the target of the heal beam gets 90hps and chain heal beams get 45hps. This is a game of focus fire, chain heals are kind of stupid as an ultimate ability…

Want more math and proof that Valk is weak? Here, read my extremely long and detailed thread:



  • Owl players win more fights without valk than with.
  • Pick rates mean nothing when she’s one of 5 healers, and 3 main healers (1 of which is considered even weaker). She’s not one of 16 dps options.
  • Valk is exceptionally non impactful. Every other support ult (and arguably non-support ult) outshines it.
  • Outside of valk she’s fine.

P.S. I know Ana is broken and needs help too. I would love to see her get some love as well. But like I said, this game clearly favors DPS players over Supports, so draw your own conclusions on how fast that’ll happen.

P.P.S. - Anyone who writes “Shes fine stop crying” that has 0 minutes of mercy in comp will be promptly ignored. Anyone who replies without actually reading what I wrote here and in my other thread will be promptly ignored. Don’t waste your time.


18 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

18 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part II] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018