So Mercy is no longer a main healer

They aren’t all bad. It’s mostly the tank and dps pro players/t500 that speak of mercy so badly.

Support pro players who actually put effort into learning Mercy and her intricacies – and end up being well known for being good at mercy. Those players are usually a lot more reasonable when talking about mercy. And I think we all know that those people are the ones that should be listened to because they know what they are talking about but…

The DPS players are more popular so their opinion by default is more common :roll_eyes:


Lucio is the close off healer to begin a main healer. But good Lucio use speed more you can see this in his healeing numbers going down past plat.

In my opinion, and that of many others, she is 100% a main healer

I dunno, man.

Like, I get it. I get the frustration of not hearing what you want to hear.

But I also can never blame the devs for not commenting on her. Especially when people say, “All we want is some statement on her, we’ll be happy just hearing something about her!”

They do. They make a statement. Then:

  • They make assumptions based on it
  • They consider it an insult
  • They are dissatisfied with the statement
  • They criticize them and say they ignore the community

I can’t blame them, anymore.

Believe it or not, there are Mercy players who like her where she is at. :man_shrugging: I’m one of them and I just unfortunately feel like I am not allowed to have an opinion on it. lol.


To be honest, maybe devs are just “always” wanted her to be like this, a pocket healer, consider that when mercy wasn’t invulnerable while mas rez, mercy should press her ult while her teammates got one pick or two so she could keep staying in the fight and keep healing. While players didn’t play her like that, instead they stopped healing to hide before a team fight and sacrificed themselves by rezzing 5 people.

Maybe the real mistake they did wasn’t the rework, but put invulnerable into her mas rez. Cuz it did encourage mercy to hide and stop helping teammates.

Maybe they just find it unhealthy for a game.

But as a pre-mercy main, I just find it ironic that almost all of the players who have game sense will agree sometimes hiding is important for a team fight.
For example, Sombra will be in a good position before a team fight and emp, which can be considered as a hide and press Q playstyle; while on the other hand, enemy supports like lucio and zen will predict that sombra has emp and start to hide to prevent being emped. Which is also hide and press Q.

While mercy do the same thing it’s annoying and brain dead, but other heroes they call good game sense and high skill. How ironic.


Wormtongue: A thread compiling mercy complaints would need to hold thousands of replies
Saruman: Tens of thousands
Wormtongue: But my lord there is no such thread

orc horn blares

Then moira and ana can take her place, wouldn’t some variety be awesome? Maybe it’s a new opportunity for you to learn a new hero.

No :rage:

You actually just generalized an entire part of the Mercy Players.


No, that’s not how a game should work. No one should have to pick another hero that they don’t like because their original favorite hero was nerfed 10+ times in a row.


This explains it so well.

Ana requires some aim, that’s the difference. Moira can just heal, as long as she does damage to fill her bar up, and Mercy has a limitless supply of healing. You can’t really compare that my man.

As someone who has mained Mercy for a really long time until very recently…

She has ALWAYS been a pocket.

The only reason she was a “main healer” was because she could do a lot of it and it was reliable. She used to not even have any group healing at all prior to Valkyrie.

I no longer think of “main healer” and “off healer”, as you can win with two off healers putting in work.


This. I didnt main her but shes always been a pocket. Also been saying the samething that Ashe potentially being strong will bring her back.

Shes not bad or troll or an off healer (not sure why it matters tbh…) shes the same old reliable hyper mobile healer shes always been.

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Lol, if you’re not going to be open to suggestions maybe actually give a good argument not to learn different heroes. This is why i detest the mercy 1tricks’ complaints, they will simply react with ‘No’ if you try to tell them anything they don’t like hearing. There’s seriously no debating the mercy main bots.

Make up your minds, mercy mains. Bunch of you complain Valk is boring because it removes the skill of targets prioritizing and makes her almost AoE, then bunch others complain she is only a single target healer.

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This is actually the first time I’ve ever seen this complaint, trust me xD

Mercy should work in all scenarios, there shouldn’t be a reason for Mercy mains to switch :rage:

South Korea ran a lot of mercy zen

There are almost no heroes that work in all situations, the only one that comes close is and even she can be countered easily by for example hog. In my opinion no hero should work in every comp for the simple reason that it’s boring. Remember when mercy was a must pick at high ranks? Healer mains were being forced by their teammates to play mercy. Mercy mains need to adjust.

I’m just messing lol :man_shrugging: tank main/ flex ana/zen here :rofl: