What if single ress was an ultimate and "Valkyrie" an ability?

I was just wondering after reading so many people complain about Valkyrie, saying it’s not an impactful ultimate. I agree in terms, it lacks a bit. It feels like those kind of ultimate abilities (Moira, Ana and WM for instance) that you can farm super fast, but it’s not game changer. But I don’t think Mercy can farm Valkyrie super fast, in fact it’s kinda limited to teammates taking damage.

But anyway, what if her ultimate was a single player ress, but with instant cast and immunity like before (it’s an ultimate after all), and Mercy got a chain healing/dmg boost E ability instead? It could be source based, whenever you press E you turn it on and you start healing in AoE, pressing E again turns it off. This would help her farm the ress ultimate a lot faster, so it falls in the “fast but not game changer ultimate” category. Additionally, if she is too weak they could add a new ability to her R while using the staff, like they’re doing to Hanzo.


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