If Mercy is to have a more impactful Ult

Would Mercy players accept less impactful base equipment?

Say 50 heals-per-second on her beam.

Moderation Note: Hey all! To help keep all of the Mercy feedback organized and easy to find, please add your thoughts to our current thread here.
Thank you!

Or we could just leave her because she is fine :man_shrugging:


We had 50 HPS once. It really wasnt enough to actually be a support.

Besides she can have an impactful ult and still not be OP, points at the many iterations of mass rez

You dont really need to nerf her to give her an impactful ult. You just really need to compress all the value of Valkyrie into a few seconds. Doesnt really change her power level, just makes Valk less of an autopilot.

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We don’t have to nerf soldier to do baby damage for him to keep his team wiping ultimate why do people argue this for support?
Mercy does a steady amount of healing in base but she’s easily killed and can’t defend herself nearly as easily as other supports.
Valkyrie is just a weak ult. She can get shot out of the sky fairly easily and her team can get killed despite her trying to heal. I’m in the camp that I want Valk to heal more. I’m not saying she needs mass res back or needs to do the absolute most. It’d just be nice to feel like it contributes a bit more.