Help me understand

Forum Moderator Note: I’m closing this topic as well because it’s more about moderator actions than the game, Community, or Feedback. Tom Powers posted the explanation for why we’re doing it specifically for Mercy in his first post in the megathread however.

Why is it ok to have multiple threads about virtually any topic (Tracer, Genji, Bridgette, DVa, Sombra, Zen, etc…), but ALL Mercy related topics have to be merged into the mega thread?

Either all popular topics should have a mega thread dedicated to them with similar threads being merged, or none of them should.

Otherwise, you are using a double standard and singling people out.

How is this fair?


Sym, Mei. All their megathreads were standalone from the original poster. Never merged or put away…


I guess it’s because it’s a popular topic that never died? D.Va was the same - all her feedback post-rework got put into a thread, but people stopped talking about her. We haven’t stopped about Mercy.

Blizzard likely intends to address Mercy again in the coming months (After they finish all of the other stuff they are working on since they don’t multitask very well). So it would make sense to compile feedback into one location for something you intend to work on in the future so you don’t lose track of it.

Forum Moderator Note: I’m closing this topic as well because it’s more about moderator actions than the game, Community, or Feedback. Tom Powers posted the explanation for why we’re doing it specifically for Mercy in his first post in the megathread however.