Blizzard, your treatment of Mercy players is embarrassing

Hello Blizzard,
Your old friend the Mercy One trick here. I’ve made many posts about this, but its about time for another.

(Those who are interested in a solid recap of the problems with mercy can find it here: https**:// )

Your treatment of us Mercy players is disappointing, and frankly, you should be ashamed.

You destroyed a perfectly valid hero at the whims of the elite (who based on recent news, don’t really seem to be worth the respect you give them).

Mercy WAS a fun character to play, she COULD use her ultimate to affect a battle. Granted, her 2 res’s were not as powerful as the 80% of DPS ults that are capable of a total team wipe, but at least she had SOME strength to help turn the tide of a fight.

Team Wipe Ultimates


*Capable - Not guaranteed.

Some argued too much. I didn’t think it was as bad as they said, and it was CERTAINLY not worthy of the obscene nerfs you threw at her, completely ignoring any and all feedback you got during the PTR time she had.

But you know what? None of that is what disappoints me.

What disappoints me is the fact that you’ve completely ignored the portion of this community making an effort to help you fix the mess you made.

You broke the character. You have people offering suggestions and ideas and trying really hard to salvage your mess, and you are completely ignoring them.

Its been months. Tens of thousands of posts. Hundreds of suggestions and ideas, some VERY valid. You’ve consistently locked any thread that mentions she even exists, and dump it into a mega thread that has received absolutely NO replies or feedback from the team.

You’ve made it extremely clear that you couldn’t care less about us.

Frankly, I’m shocked. I’ve been a loyal fan of every game you’ve produced since I first played the original Warcraft back in the 90s. I’ve never seen you just flagrantly ignore a problem like this for so long. I understand a game like this is complex with many balance issues. In fact, I argue that point, and its why I’m so shocked at the massive nerfs you just threw at her in the latest round that decimated her character. (And yes, decimated, you removed 90% of what made her ultimate useful).

You disappoint me. You should be ashamed and embarrassed.

Its high time you at LEAST give us some kind of response and let us know whats up. Are you even looking? Or just don’t care. After these many months I strongly suspect the latter, but I’ve love to be proven wrong.

PS - All the people who have 0 play time on Mercy in Comp are welcome to their opinions but the “Shes balanced now” posts can be saved for another time. If you never played her seriously I don’t care about your opinion of her. Shes not balanced now. Her ultimate is useless and pointless. Outside of that yea shes fine.


22 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

13 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018