Mercy mains are ignored completely!

In my opinion mercy mains dont want a buff, they want to be heard, they want to know that they matter too. Some mercy mains are biased i will say that first hand and some of them are being selfish, but i guarantee some mercy mains just want to be heard.

16.5k posts and NOT A SINGLE REPLY!!! rather you hate mercy or not, rather she’s balanced or not the point is they are completely being ignored, I’m not a mercy but i am defending them, the fact that the devs said they care about all their heroes and want each hero to be fun and unique.

Mercy mains keep saying that mercy is not fun and yet they continuously keep getting ignored by a Blizz. This is not about buffing her, this about hiw unfun mercy is, and mercy mains want to feel like they matter in the community too.


52 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018