The mercy megathread is pointless

Megathread is a databank for Blizzard and specifically for Mercy discussion. Why? Because they need the rest of the forums for other topics to look at. Not a hundred topics about Mercy being “balanced but unfun” or “buffing Mercy would be good” or anything like that.

Hey look, it’s right there!
Amazing, right? Your entire thread is now meaningless as you couldn’t be bothered to read two sentences. Don’t worry, I did it for you.

What you’re really trying to forcefully ask is “WHERE’S OUR OFFICIAL STATUS ON MERCY”

Blizzard states OFFICIALLY that Mercy is in a good place

“mY rEsPoNsEs ThOuGh!”

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

-A Mercy main, who’s fed up with the constant flood of Mercy topics.